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Jun 4, 2013

Fast Weight Loss to Make You Feel Worthy

  Fast weight loss based on extreme dieting and severe restrictions are not advisable since they will tell on your skin as well as on the health of your internal organs. Instead, spend time introspecting to see where you are going wrong and avoid impulse driven binge eating that is most likely to be behind your weight issues. Identify the triggers that lead to the binges and plan your food consumption properly.

Manage your feelings
  Do you feel unhappy that you are overweight? Do not tell yourself that you will be happy when you have reached your goals through fast weight loss. You will never be happy and your weight loss goals will move further away. Decide to feel that you are worthy and happy regardless of your external appearance. This is a more effective approach to issues that life puts in front of you. Remember, if you give in to feelings of low self worth, it is an indulgence that you are giving in to. Low self worth is the precursor to self pity and a good way to drive people away from you and put you into a depressed mental shell.

  Manage your time
  Know the rules of life to achieve fast weight loss. Rule one is that you are given a fixed number of hours in which you can fit in all the activities that you want to. Rule two is that you have to make your use of time efficient to get anywhere. This is relevant to your weight loss plans. If you are working and exercising in the course of a day, you have to know when your body is more willing to be active. What are the timings in a day when you feel hungry? If your body is sluggish in the mornings, plan your exercise schedule in the evenings. Avoid the tendency of grabbing whatever comes your way when you are hungry, instead keep a box of healthy food options available to take care of you at those times.

  Manage your colleagues
  Your colleagues love to announce office parties and egg you on to have an extra piece of cake or some fried foods. Enlist their cooperation in your fast weight loss attempt in keeping your will power at a high. Stay away from their company if they persist in pushing you to eat more when you want to avoid it. Be firm but nice when they protest against your desire to curb your intake. You will soon find them tracking your progress and encouraging you in your efforts.

  Manage your wardrobe
  Do you buy loose fitting clothes though you crave for a smart fit? Do indulge yourself in purchasing a smart outfit that highlights your strong points as soon as your effort shows a weight reduction. This is a good way to keep you motivated with fast weight loss. Review your wardrobe. Can you re-do the way you match your clothes? Do you have good accessories for the sets you make? Change this situation with the right investments.

You will find that you are not alone in the journey to Fast Weight Loss. If you are looking for Free Weight Loss Plan information, log on to today for more ideas and innovations.
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