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Oct 31, 2013

The Atkins Diet

  The history of The Atkins Diet goes back to the Dr. Atkins' theory that over-consumption of and hypersensitivity to carbohydrates is the root of our problem with being overweight.
The principle he based his plan on says that it is the way your body processes the carbohydrates you eat -- not how much fat you eat -- that causes you to gain weight. While most diet experts say that not everyone who has a weight problem is insulin resistant, Atkins says it is more likely than not.

  It's working
  By reducing one's intake of carbohydrates to less than 50 grams a day, one will enter a metabolic process called ketosis, which is nothing but a state in which one's body will start burning the fat to provide energy. Atkins also says that ketosis will affect insulin production which will prevent more fat from being formed.

  The Phases
  The Atkins Diet comprises of the 4 stages: induction, ongoing weight loss, pre-maintenance and maintenance.
  Induction is executed in the first fortnight of the plan, during which according to Atkins you can lose up to 15 pounds. This rapid weight loss is due to ceasing the intake of carbs to just 20 grams a day. You are limited to three cups per day. Forget about fruit and starchy vegetables like potatoes. If you consume alcoholic beverages or coffee, you better bid "sayonara" to those as well.

  During ongoing weight loss, you can increase your carb intake by 5 grams. You will eventually reach a high and the again have to curb off the carb again.

  In pre-maintenance, weight loss will happen gradually and you will be able to test certain foods to see if they could be added in your diet without resulting in weight gain.

  Then the maintenance stage is there, when you may introduce some more carbs into your diet... of course not by adding the bad ones, as they will be resulting in the bringing back the weight again.

  The Atkins Diet recommends exercise. Any diet that doesn't include exercise in its recommendations will probably not be as effective and does not encourage health lifestyle change.

Person suffering from gout, kidney conditions, type I diabetes or pregnant women should not follow Atkins.
According to some health experts, ketosis results in too-rapid, and unusual levels of weight loss and that the loss consists of lean body mass and water.

Regardless of whichever diet you persist on, be it be Atkins or Weight Watchers, diet experts agree that it is calorie reduction that results in weight loss.
After you lose weight, you can't just revert back to your original ways of eating crabs.

  Remember, one should never start a diet without prior consultation to the doctor. This is pretty much essential with a diet like Atkins because it is so inflexible and is most likely a noteworthy change from your normal eating habits. Additionally, some researches have indicated that this type of diet may endanger the kidneys, result in sunstroke, or lead to other health problems.

  Before giving ATKINs a try, ask yourself: Are you committed to limiting your carbs for good? If not, then this plan probably isn't for you, because even as Atkins himself states, returning to your previous eating habits will bring the weight back.

  If you find that Atkins is not for you, you may be averse to the type of foods you are eating. That's fine -- some people simply can't tolerate eating a certain type of foods, and others feel deprived if their favorites are eliminated. If you don't feel happy and satisfied with a particular plan, it's time to find an alternative.

  Defeat depression! - Depression help and information, providing in depth knowledge on depression, various types of depression, their symptoms, diagnosis and cymbalta.Chris Read, editor of, is a contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. For any weight loss related issue please feel free to visit the website for more information. Or write to him at
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Walking, Water, and Weight Watchers: The 3 W's for Weight Loss

  I have been seriously working on losing weight for about 2 1/2 months and many people have asked me what I am doing to be so successful. I reply, "The 3 W's for weight loss!" Of course they don't know what the 3 W's of weight loss are so I quickly tell them, "Walking, Water, and Weight Watchers." I know this isn't a formula that will work for everyone but it sure is working for me! Water is an essential fluid needed by everyone, walking is an excellent form of exercise, and Weight Watchers is a world renowned weight loss organization that has helped millions of people lose weight and keep it off for good.

  Walking is a feel good calorie burning exercise that most of us have been doing for the majority of our lives. Other than a good pair of walking shoes and comfortable clothing, it doesn't require any other equipment, so the price it right! But the most impressive thing about walking is the health benefits it provides. Walking is easy on joints and actually eases back pain in some people. It has the ability to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease, build muscle and strengthen bones, and of course it leads to weight loss! Try to walk at least 10,000 steps each day!

  I have lost 24 1/2 pounds so far but aside from the weight loss, walking daily allows me to mentally unwind and I feel that it lowers my stress levels. The funny thing is that the more I walk, the more my body and mind seem to crave it. Walking has become a very healthy habit for me.

  A recent study indicated that after drinking 17oz. of water, both men and women experienced a 30% increase in their metabolic rate that lasted for about 40 minutes.
A few months ago, I quit drinking soda and replaced it with water. I can already feel a difference in my skin tone and of course it is helping with my weight loss efforts because it fills me up and I am less apt to overeat. Drinking water daily is definitely a habit now and I feel much better because of it! Drink 8, 8oz. glasses of water each day to boost your weight loss efforts!

  Weight Watchers:
  Weight Watchers was founded in the early 1960's by Jean Nidetch. She started off by hosting small informal gatherings in her home to discuss the topic of weight loss. Those small meetings grew over the years and now Weight Watchers has grown to a worldwide community comprised of millions of people that are dedicated to the task of losing weight.

  Weight Watchers is a scientifically based program that promotes weight loss through healthy lifestyle changes to include mental, emotional, and physical health. Weight Watchers meetings are designed to provide weight loss motivation, information about nutrition and exercise, and a comfortable environment where members and leaders offer support and encouragement to each other. There are hundreds of meeting locations worldwide and Weight Watchers is now offered online as well.

  My Weight Watchers leader is fantastic and I look forward to going to my meeting each week. She not only is a wonderful role model, having lost 45 pounds herself, but has the natural ability to bring out the best in all of us that faithfully attend her meetings. She arms herself with scientifically based research, her own weight loss story, motivational quotes, exercise advice, and recipes; all which she wraps in a warm sense of humor to provide us with the tools we need for the upcoming week.

  If you have been frustrated with past weight loss attempts, give the 3 W's of weight loss a try. It is the healthy way to lose weight and I am sure you will be pleased with the results!
Contact me at with your success stories at matter what weight loss method you have used) and I will post them on my site!
  Read more weight loss and exercise articles, motivational quotes, and weight loss tips and ideas. If you would like read about how I have lost weight, stop by to read my daily weight loss blog [].
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Oct 30, 2013

First Component of Weight Loss

  Any true body transformation starts with self-discovery. It is an inside-out approach method. By this I mean that you must honestly analyze what your strengths and weaknesses are. Also, what makes you and your body what it is today? Do not get me wrong. I am not a big advocate of analyzing every feeling that may come out of you. From my 15 years of experience in fitness training, the barriers of attitude, values, and self doubt, are the number one reasons why people fail in this program. Breaking through negative attitudes and self doubt will truly transform you to a newer you. In truth, it's a process that is crucial to overcoming self-set limitations. One has got to look inside for these answers This is the biggest and the most important part of a weight loss program, and the most difficult, because everything starts in your head and mind first.

  From my experience, a true transformation starts and finishes with how you see yourself. Attitudes come from your values and belief system about yourself and the whole world. I am not a psychologist but I have designed some exercises and tools that you can use when going through this program. These tools will aid you in discovery of your attitudes, beliefs, and values. True transformation starts with true reflection about yourself.

  I read this morning in a fitness magazine that the number one reason why people do not work out on a regular basis is due to lack of time and not due to a lack of motivation I totally disagree, in my opinion; it is solely a lack of motivation. In fact it is a lack of motivation to make time.

  To make transformation to your body is not a question of capability but of motivation. For example let's look at some extreme motivation. If someone put a gun to your head and said you need to lose four pounds of fat this week or else pay with your life I will bet that this type of motivation would have resulted in the loss of four-pounds of fat for that week. For most people it is a must to into get in shape and for others it is I might get into shape.

  For a transformation to occur you need an intense and urgent motivation commitment. The main focus in body transformation is not if you make a change that you can do it, but, that you will do it. In transforming your body, the individual has to have a sense of intense urgency, dedication, or discipline, to follow the program all the way through to success.

  Michael Zens is the owner of Fitness Goals. He has been in the fitness industry since 1990. Michael has a diverse background in the fitness industry as a personal trainer, massage therapist, rehabilitation trainer, assistant strength coach for Chicago Bears football team and nutrition consultant.

  Michael received his bachelors degree in 1992, from Winona State University of Minnesota, in Psychology and Physical Education and has over eight certifications in personal training. He is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in exercise science.
Michael believes in a holistic approach to fitness and goal setting for your fitness achievement.
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Six Super Easy Weight Loss Tips

  If you have been trying to lose weight permanently, then these six weight loss tips may be just what you need to kick start your weight loss program. You may have heard some of them before, but if you make them a part of your core goal, you will not have as much difficulty achieving your weight loss goals.

  Include exercise in your lifestyle
  If you want to achieve long term weight loss, you must not only be careful of what and how you're eating, you must get off your butt and exercise. It has been reported that 80 percent of those who lose for the long haul make changes to their diets and make exercise a part of their lifestyle.

  How much are you really eating?
  Americans are really guilty of this - supersizing our meal portions. It's not what you eat but how much you eat. By eating smaller portion sizes you can eat whatever you like, because you are not overeating.

  Sneak in this super easy exercise
  Walking is one of the easiest ways to sneak exercise into your daily life. It is easy to do and requires no equipment except your own body. To make walking even more effective, park your car further away from your destination, walk up hills, use the stairs, and alternate walking with brief periods of running. Get in as many steps as possible each day to rev up your internal calorie burning machine.

  The best no calorie drink in the world
  Substituting water for those artificially sweetened diet drinks and sugary has many advantages. First of all, it has no calories. Plus it's great for your skin and hair. And drinking water before and during meals helps to stave off hunger and fill you up more quickly. Be careful of those liquid calories in other drinks - they can really add up.

  Eat more frequent smaller meals
  When you eat more frequently (4 to 6 small meals a day), it helps to keep hunger at bay and stabilize your blood sugar levels to keep from zapping your energy. And when you eat, you will be less inclined to stuff yourself like a pig.

  Your weight loss goal is not achieved overnight
  Nor is it achieved in two weeks or one month. In order to really drop weight, you must realize that there is no quick fix. You must dedicate yourself to making lifestyle changes that will help you reach your goal. Believe me, your body will thank you and you will be happier in the long run.

  For positive weight loss tips and reviews, you should visit our site at You'll discover what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off for good with access to a treasure trove of weight loss tips, articles, ebooks and more. Be sure to sign up for our fitness updates while you're there.
You may include this article on your site or in your ezine as long as this information remains intact.
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4 Keys to Weight Loss

  First off, let me start by saying this list is by no means exhaustive. However, if you can manage these 4 important components of a weight loss program, you will be on your way to a slimmer body.

  Build the Foundation
  Many people begin a weight loss program with their basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy (calories) your body uses in a resting state, in the gutter. The key then is to increase your BMR so that you are burning more calories throughout the day, every day. Increase the amount of calories you burn, increase the amount of fat you lose. Makes sense, yes? The best way to increase your BMR is through adding muscle tissue. Females often shudder at the idea of adding muscle due to their fear of becoming "bulky." Relax babe! It's a little harder to add that kind of muscle mass than you think. Besides, a little muscle mass goes a long way toward achieving a leaner body. And this is what you want, right?

  Specificity of Program
  Not just any exercise program will do for weight loss. Simply burning calories is not good enough. The program must be designed to elicit specific hormonal responses that are conducive to weight loss. I'll give you a hint...hours and hours of cardio is NOT the answer!

  This one pretty much speaks for itself. Have you ever achieved anything great with an inconsistent effort? Unless you consider failure a great achievement, you probably haven't. You must exercise consistently to get the results you want! It amazes me how many people put so little effort into their exercise program and complain about not seeing results. Even the most well designed programs are useless if they are not adhered to on a consistent basis.

  Again, this one goes without saying. You can't expect to achieve a leaner body by continuing your unhealthy eating habits. This isn't to say that you should drop everything in your diet immediately and exchange it for "healthy" food. You would end up miserable and revert back to your old habits within a month. Instead, practice moderation and don't overindulge. Also, phase certain unhealthy foods out of your diet while introducing healthier foods. The transition will be easier to make and a lot easier to maintain.

  Chad Anderson, CSCS is the owner/operater of Anderson Fitness Solutions, a personal training, fitness programming, and weight management business. He holds a bachelor's degree in exercise science with a minor in nutrition and is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA. You can visit his fitness information website at
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Oct 29, 2013

Small Changes to Weight Loss

  As much as many of us who are over-weight do not like to admit, it is our past and current eating habits that have us looking the way we do today. We need to make many small changes to our eating and drinking habits to reach our healthy weight. It is a long term vision with many short term goals.

  Understanding weight lose takes time but it is important to know that you need to consume less energy than you use in order to lose the extra kilos. The best way to ensure that you are burning more kilojoules than you consume each day is to focus one day at a time on small changes.

  1) Start by keeping a food diary. It will make you aware of how much you are eating and drinking. By recording your daily intake of both meals and drinks you will be able to keep track of your calorie intake and see where to cut back.

  2) Try swapping certain foods. If you like to snack on a marsbar, change this snack to a healthy snack like 8 medium strawberries instead as it could save you about 70 calories and add to your daily fibre intake.

  3) Learn to read food labels. By reading food labels you will be able to work out your calorie intake and swap different brands. For example, you could save 50 calories by just changing your breakfast cereal, or save 100 calories by changing form sour cream to salsa.

  4) Enjoy 5-6 meals/snacks per day as eating more often curbs your appetite and boosts your energy and improves your metabolism. The reason your metabolism is improved is that the process of digestion itself burns kilojoules.

  5) Exercise will be required to lose weight and keep it off. It is via exercise that you will improve your muscle tone and trim centimetres from your figure. Without exercise your weight loss comes from lean muscle tissue. Exercise will also improve your metabolic rate. When you introduce exercise to your daily routine, start slowly. 3 x 10 minutes is better than no exercise at all. Also note that exercise comes in all forms, housework, gardening, playing with the children, walking the dog.

  6) Drink 8 glasses of water a day as water suppress the appetite and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Water also helps rid the body waste and during weight loss there is a lot more body waste to excrete. If you are hungry always drink a glass of water first and wait ten minutes, you may have mistaken thirst for hunger.

  7) Ask your friends and family to support you. Share your goals, talk about your goals and with support you too can start small changes that will lead to a healthier life style and weight loss.

Angela Emde
Wellness Coach assisting others take small steps to a healthier life. []
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Oct 28, 2013

Benefits Of Exercise Videos For Weight Loss

  I asked my sister to come to my gym with a guest pass. She replied something to the effect of "I am in no shape to go to the gym". What? I thought you go to the gym to get in shape not get in shape to go to they gym! Upon further questioning and digging I uncovered the obvious - my sister is just not comfortable in the gym.

  I have found that others feel the same. I certainly do not agree with this type of thinking but I do recognize that it exists and some people will simply not go to a gym or exercise class simply because they are not comfortable in that atmosphere.

  Exercise videos are perfect for this type of person!
  On the flip side, my wife loves to go to the gym but she is also a very busy person. Sometimes she just does not feel like packing all of her clothing in her gym bag and hauling it all day. Sometimes she just wants to exercise at home.

  Exercise videos are perfect for this type of person!
  So what are the benefits of exercise videos and how can they help you lose weight?

  · Exercise videos are usually led by world class instructors. These instructors are usually the top in their field. They have pioneered a system which more than likely has proven results.

  · Exercise videos can keep you from getting bored in your fitness and weight loss routine. You can get an exercise video for aerobics, kick boxing, power yoga, step aerobics, basic training, and the list goes on. You can get them in a studio format, on a beach, by a pool, with beautiful scenery - No limits!

  · You can perform your exercise routine on your schedule. You are not dependent on the gym hours or aerobics class hours. You may have a hard time fitting a 5:30 class into your schedule but you can always find time to play a recorded video at your convenience.

  · Exercise videos allow you to work at your own pace. If you miss a step or are just not conditioned, you can rewind or skip a certain part of the routine.

  · Most exercise videos are full of positive reinforcement and affirmations. It is good to hear success stories and "you can do it"!

  · You can more accurately measure your results. If you are doing the same video for an extended period of time you will know if you have improved either in cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, or strength. If you are doing a different routine in a regimented class sometimes it is hard to notice your improvements.

· Exercise videos are inexpensive. You can collect them and enjoy varied workouts and instructors for very low costs.

  The key to losing weight is burning more calories than you consume. Exercise videos take care of the calorie burning part of this duo. The body was made to move! When you exercise and eat healthy the benefits are priceless! You feel great, are sick less often, have greater range of movement, less pain, and a better mental outlook.
· Pick an exercise video for your level of fitness.
· Pick a video that interests you and seems fun to you
· Share videos with friends for a varied experience.
· Set aside time to workout to your video. Make it a ritual.
· If you start getting bored with a routine - Find another one! But don't quit!
· Remember that moving the body is fun!
· Follow the instructions and warnings that come with the video
· Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise or weight loss program.

  Exercise videos are a fun, inexpensive way to lose weight and get in shape. What a great way to have world class instructors helping you get in shape and lose weight all on your schedule!

  Keep checking back. We may from time to time review specific exercise and fitness videos.
Stay healthy, keep the body moving and learn to enjoy exercise!

  Wishing you the best of health and fitness,
  Bill Herren
  Bill Herren is the webmaster for Everything weight loss related! Weight loss success stories, product reviews, exercise articles, weight loss recipes, and diet articles. All Free and all designed to help you lose weight!
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Oct 26, 2013

Functional Ways To Burn 500 Calories Instantly!

  If you are reading this article, then you are probably somebody who loves to work out. You probably swim, or run, or go to gym everyday because you want results, and you want them fast! Or you just want to maintain your already perfect-sculpted body. There are no problems with that. But doing the same routine sometime gets old. With these new work outs, you can get the results you want fast while saving the daily trips to gym.

  Ditch the treadmill!
  Run outside for 30 minutes! Running outdoors gets you out in the fresh air and experiencing different and inspiring scenery. Warm-up for up to 3 minutes. Then begin advancing your speed, run for another 3 minutes, then run faster for about a minute and a half, then get back to running on the moderate speed. Do this cycle until your 30 minutes are up. Make sure to rest whenever you feel like you need to.

  Burn rubber (rubber tires, that is)!
  Cycling for 35 minutes indoors, or outdoors helps a lot when it comes to burning calories. Cycling while running errands is another efficient way of functional training. You can do this little variation while you're on your bike on the way to friends house, or on the way to the lake. It also gives great results for your lower-body. Do a quick 3 to three and half minute warm-up, pedal fast with light resistance. Then do a 4 minute seated then standing climb. Then do light sprints, speed up your pedals and drop your resistance for about another 4 minutes. Repeat all these steps until you've done it for 35 minutes!

  Hang-on to that rope!
  Yes, I meant jump-rope. Do 100-450 repetitions of jump-rope. An efficient way to do this is to play with your little sibling or your kids while they are jumping ropes too. I see a lot of kids nowadays who are fond of jump-ropes and hula-hoops. Playing with the hula hoops are also great means of losing weight and slimming your waist, just watch your back for signs of overdoing it!

  You never thought losing weight and doing more at the same time is possible, didn't you? Well now that you know it is, you might want to try this out. These are just some of the efficient ways to burn some calories. Can you think of other ways to do work-outs functionally? Share your thoughts with us on your favorites!
Functional Therapy Magazine 

Oct 24, 2013

20 Ways to Lose Weight

  1. Take it one step at a time
  Start by paying attention to what you eat. Cut back on fat and sweets and add more fruits and vegetables. After you have that under control, add exercise. If you hate to exercise try it for only 15 minutes a day at first, then a 1/2-hour. Keep in mind that while you are exercising you are burning calories and not eating. Also, it will be easier if you chose an activity that you enjoy.

  2. Find a friend
  It is always good to have support when you are trying to lose weight. Find a friend who wants to lose weight and compare notes, weigh-in together and maybe even have a contest.

  3. Use weights
  Working out weights will build muscle and raise your metabolism so you will burn more calories. Also, muscle takes up less space than fat so you will be smaller (but probably weigh more).

  4. Eat fewer carbs
  Don't eat as much bread and pasta and you will see a difference.

  5. Set a goal
  Set a deadline to lose the weight and write it down. For example, ' By Dec 14/04 I will weigh 150 lbs or less'. Put it somewhere you will see it daily.

  6. Give up soda
  If you drink a soda or 2 a day you are adding empty calories. If you find it hard to stop completely, cut back at first and drink water instead.

  7. Grill or boil
  Avoid fried meat, grill and use lots of spices. You will get used to it and probably enjoy it more.

  8. Don't buy junk food
  When you go shopping, don't go on an empty stomach and you will be less likely to buy junk food. Keep your home 'junk food free' so you won't be tempted to indulge.

  9. Eat breakfast
  Consume most of your calories early in the day and always eat breakfast. Don't eat after 8pm and not only will you avoid those added calories but you will sleep better.

  10. Give yourself a treat
  When you tell yourself that you can't have something you want it more. Give yourself a treat once a day (ie. half a cookie) and you won't feel you are missing out.

  11. Use smaller plates
  Trick yourself into believing that you are eating more by using a smaller plate.

  12. Drink lots of water
  Drink water when you are feeling hungry and you will get that 'full' feeling.

  13. Don't eat everything on your plate
  Many times we eat just because it's there. Pay attention to when you have had enough.

  14. Eat five or six meals a day
  Eating more frequently will keep you from getting too hungry.

  15. Plan your workout sessions
  Write your workout sessions in your journal or planner.

  16. Stay away from fad diets
  Fad diets don't work. If you lose weight fast chances are that you will gain it back (and more) just as fast. It takes time to put it on and time to take it off.

  17. Do several workouts a day
  While you are watching TV do crunches and leg lifts.

  18. Measure your food
  If you decide to have junk food for a snack - be sure to measure and control what you eat.

  19. Keep pre-cut vegetables
... and ward off those cravings.

  20. Create Good Habits
  It is a known fact that when we do something twenty-one times it becomes a habit. Create good eating habits.

  Sheila is an image consultant and style coach who works with women who are frustrated with their wardrobe. She helps them discover styles and colours that are perfect for them so they can attract a better job, a promotion or their soul mate. Get her free report "5 Ways to Dress Well and Look Slimmer" audio recording of "The # 1 Secret of Well Dressed Women" at
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Oct 14, 2013

Dieting Mistakes Everyone Should Avoid

  Losing weight is very difficult, and making mistakes during the process will only make it harder. While everyone is different, there are several tips that are universally useful. Five of them are included in the article below. If you want your next diet to be a success, make sure to pay close attention.

  Do not make the mistake of not getting enough calories. In order to stay perfectly healthy, the body has to consume a decent amount of calories. You may believe that having no calories in your diet is the best option, but all that will do is create an entirely new set of health problems. While your caloric intake should be decreased, it should be at a level that is acceptable for someone that is your age, weight and height.

  Every salad is not created equal, so be careful when eating them. There are many people that hit the salad bar and assume that they can be limitless. This is far from the truth, especially considering the fact that everything on a salad bar is not healthy. Things like spinach, lettuce and green peppers can be eaten in abundance, but you should avoid having large amounts of meats, eggs, and cheese. You should also look for salad dressing varieties that are low in fat and calories.

  Avoid fad diets that are extremely restrictive. For example, there are diets out there that only allow you to eat one food for a certain period of time. These diets are not safe and you will only be disappointed in the end. Most of the time any weight you lose while following this type of diet will be gained back once you start eating normally again. It is very important that your meals contain things from a variety of food groups.
  Never ignore the calories that are contained in drinks. Many people do this and they end up consuming a lot more than they planned on. If you are restricting the amount of calories you are consuming, why would you want to waste them on a beverage? The best thing for you to do would be to drink things like water, decaffeinated black coffee and green tea. If you don't add any sugar to these, they don't contain any calories at all.

  Just because something is healthy, that does not mean that you should go crazy and eat multiple portions. Many people make this mistake and they end up not losing the weight they planned on. What is the point of eating low-fat items if you are going to eat several portions? This means you will end up consuming the same amount of calories as you would have otherwise. Portion control should mean everything to a dieter.

  Avoiding mistakes while trying to lose weight is very important if you want to be successful. You should keep in mind that dieting should be a lifestyle change, and not something that is thrown to the side once the weight is lost. That way you won't have to worry about gaining it all back.

How To Reduce Your Body Weight Safely

  With a society focused on celebrities and models, it can be easy to get discouraged with our own self-image. Not to mention there is a multitude of self- help books promoting new diet fads, commercials advertising new weight loss supplements, and dangerous new procedures to help you lose weight. However, what is the best way to lose weight safely and keep it off?

  Most doctors have stated that it is safe to lose up to three pounds per week at home by utilizing a healthy diet and exercise. This would eliminate those crazy diets in which you lose upwards of ten pounds in one week.

  Losing weight is really quite simply a game of numbers. One pound is the equivalent of 3,500 calories- a normal individual burns roughly 2,000 calories a day in daily activities and bodily needs. So if you eat fewer calories than your body uses, you lose weight. If you eat more calories than you body uses, you gain weight.
In theory, if you burn through exercise 500 more calories than what you are eating, after one week you could expect to lose up to 2 pounds. If you wanted to lose weight a little quicker, you would just have to burn extra calories, or reduce the caloric intake through food. Don't be fooled- some diets have you restrict your salt and starch intake for fast weight loss, but be aware this is mostly water weight and it will return.

  When planning your diet, it is very important to continue eating balanced meals. Focus on eating mostly fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish, egg whites, and non-fat dairy foods. Generally, try to minimize starches, additional sugars, and animal fats.

  Here are some helpful hints: Try to eat a lot of vegetables- these will help to fill you up so you aren't tempted to fill up on junk food. Drink a lot of water, especially before meals. Do not keep tempting foods in your house! Try to keep yourself occupied-if you get bored you will want to eat.

  Stop the bad habits of eating on the couch in front of the television. This just encourages boredom eating. Only eat from a plate when you are sitting at the kitchen table. Most importantly, do not try to cut calories by skipping meals- this only adds to weight gain by making your body feel as if it is in starvation mode.
If you continue to have a problem with weight loss, consider keeping a food diary and an exercise log to identify potential causes for failure. Remember, losing weight is a healthy lifestyle change! Don't get discouraged if you do not see results right away!

  In conclusion, even though there are many diet options out there, the most tried and tested methods are the best. Stick to a good exercise routine and try to eat a healthy, balanced diet. This will have good results and you will feel better about yourself and your future as well.
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Oct 13, 2013

Undercover Sugar: What Sugars to Avoid for Weight Loss

  Food manufacturers are clever. They know health-conscious consumers read the product labels, and they know one of the first things we look for is sugar. Not finding any? Look again! Evaporated cane juice, turbinado, and Sucanat are all different terms used to disguise sugar.

  What's the difference?
  In some cases, the differences are razor-thin. Evaporated cane sugar is an especially trendy moniker right now: this specifically refers to sugar cane product that has been processed and dried, losing the cane plant's nutrients such as vitamin A in the process, but a small amount of molasses remains.

While white sugar has had every bit of molasses stripped from it, that tiny tinge of brown makes all the difference to the FDA. But the taste, caloric value, and lack of anything useful to the body are virtually identical.

  Is it healthy, or just sounds healthy?
  In other cases, the word sugar is dressed up to sound healthier: natural sugar and raw sugar are popular examples. Natural is suspect in the context of any food labeling: unlike organic, the word natural carries no guidelines for manufacturers; it's as empty as processed food snacks. Think about the dozens of carbonated drinks boasting of natural flavors.

  The word raw is possibly even more misleading; according to the FDA, raw sugar denotes completely unprocessed cane crop, still containing bacteria, dirt, and insects, and is not yet fit for human consumption.

  Do you act or react to your palette?
  These trends make for trying times for those of us trying to eat healthier and lose weight because the taste of sweetness is hard-wired into our palettes. Manufacturers and retailers know that the more sweetness they can sneak into a product, the more likely we are to come back for more.

  Historically, early humans were instinctively drawn to sweet foods, such as berries, that were high in nutrients and would give quick energy quickly. Today, we carry around that instinct, and it's triggered when our bodies realize they're lacking nutrients.

  When we answer our bodies with processed snacks, we get the taste we're expecting but none of the nutrients. This triggers more cravings later on, and a cycle ensues. But there is hope: by introducing fresh fruits and vegetables in place of processed sweets, sugar cravings will diminish. Rather than fight your sweet tooth, try to satisfy it the way our ancestors did-with a piece of fruit. It's a great habit for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight afterwards.

  Shawna is an avid writer about wellness and holistic health, including tips for living a healthier life style. Find similar topics from an  Austin wellness center that offers fitness programs for longevity, weight loss diabetes in Texas and  using mind/body exercise classes.
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How To Prepare Chicken For Weight Loss

  Below are several tips to explain you how to prepare chicken for weight loss without losing the taste and texture of the meat. Chicken is full of protein and low in fat, which makes it the most effective choices for eating healthy and building lean muscle.

  1) Remove the skin
  Chicken skin is normally used in fatty dishes to improve the taste and texture. Many chefs around the world use the chicken skin in dishes to bring out the taste of their sauces and creams. In case you are trying to lose weight, now is not the time to leave the skin on the chicken. If you are cooking a complete chicken, make sure you have remove the skin. In doing so, you will save yourself from extra calories and lots of fat.

  2) Remove the fat
  Usually lean chicken breasts can contain fat along the sides. It is best to clean the fat by cutting it off and getting rid of it, especially if you are attempting to lose weight. You will not lose the taste of the meat, but will lose more calories that may convert to pounds if you decide to leave the fat on. The fat is easy to remove when the chicken is thaw. It could be placed flat on a cutting board and trimmed off very easily with a sharp knife.

  3) Grill the meat
  Whenever you prepare chicken, or any meat, on the grill, excessive fat actually drips off. Any fat that missed during the cutting and preparing process gets removed while the meat grills. Grilling is the perfect method to cook chicken because of the health aspect. A small fist-sized part of chicken breast is filling and full of protein, which makes it the perfect dish for losing weight. Grilled chicken could be sliced into pieces and added on salads or combined with black beans for a Mexican medley. Grilled chicken is extremely versatile and could be used in many dishes to help you lose weight.

  4) Prepare in the oven
  One of the most popular methods to prepare chicken for weight loss is to cook it in the oven. Chicken could be seasons with onion and garlic powders, dill or mustard and cooked in the oven for just 20 minutes. Baking chicken eliminates the extra fat that missed during the preparation time. The chicken breast or legs could be cooked with various vegetables, such as asparagus or broccoli, to make a complete meal. Include a piece of whole grain bread or a small part of steamed brown rice and you have yourself a proper and healthy meal suit for a weight loss king.

  5) Prepare chicken with olive oil
  If you want your chicken fried, but planning to lose weight in this process, it is best to use a little olive oil in the pan and avoid the Fry Daddy. Chicken pieces could be made very easily and healthily by cutting a chicken breast into small strips and placing them to a pan that has garlic, fresh onion and a tablespoon of extra pure olive oil. The chicken could be fried until crispy or left moist and flavorful. The chicken will soak up some of the oil so even if cooked to a crisper texture, it will stay moist and tasty.
The extra fat will cook away, leaving a healthy meal for weight loss.
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Oct 12, 2013

Is Weight Loss Possible With Herbal Products?

  An expanding waistline is not just bad to look at.
  It can silently contribute towards a whole lot of undesirable ailments and is considered to be the precursor for diabetes and cardiac diseases.

  Both these conditions are considered to be the number one reasons for deaths around the world.
In fact, obesity has become so rampant, that it is now being considered an epidemic that has spread around the world.

  It is no surprise then, that the fat loss industry is booming and teeming with products that promise to help get rid of the love handles without causing any adverse effects.
  But people are more cautious than ever, especially after an ingredient in one leading synthetic fat burner was found to be the cause of multiple deaths in the US.
 This has shifted the focus towards weight loss with herbal products.

   Herbal fat loss
  There are tons of herbal products that are being touted as 'The breakthrough of the millennium' for fat loss.
Everything from Paprika to Capsicum to Garnicia Cambogia extracts are being sold in neatly packaged bottles promising to help people lose weight within months.
But can herbal products really help people lose weight?

  Yes. It can.
  Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing science used a combination of herbs to help speed up the metabolism and to prevent the conversion of glucose into fat.
These herbs and herbal formulations were used thousands of years ago to successfully help people combat obesity and reduce body fat percentage.

  Garnicia Cambogia: Known as Vrikshamla in Ayurveda, this is an excellent herb that prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fat.

  Indian Bdellium: Known as Guggulu, it reduces cholesterol and triglycerides.
  Gymnema sylvestre: Reduces the craving for sugar in the body.
  Terminalia chebula: Known as Haritaki, it is loaded with antioxidants.
These are of course, just a few of the names. There are many such herbs which are renowned for their ability to prevent and treat obesity.

  The advantage of using Herbal Products
  One of the reasons why herbal products are so popular around the world is because they cause no side effects.
  There are no known side effects due to using Vrikshamla or Guggulu.
  On the contrary, their usage can strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of other bodily systems.
Also, unlike synthetic fat burners which curb appetite, herbal products aim at increasing the body's natural fat burning capability.
The superior extraction technologies allow herbal product manufacturers to extract and retain the most active vital ingredients that enhance the potency of these fat burners.

  The Final Verdict
  If you are aiming for safe and reliable fat loss, then herbal products are the way to go.
There are tons of different products to choose from and each one offers a variety of advantages.
Introducing Ayurveda In Its Purest Form Is Ayur Leaf An Online Ayurvedic herbal products store, That Seeks To Connect The Ancient Holistic Therapies And Medicines With Contemporary Lifestyle Problems.
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3 Carbs to Lose Weight Fast

  "Carbs" is a short term word for carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a group of nutrients that are abundant in most foods. Although they are found in different quantities and in different foods, there are foods that have good sugars while others have bad sugars.

  To lose weight effectively, you need to form a habit of eating foods with good sugars. Below are 3 carbs that will make your weight losing mission a breeze.

  Blown rice
  Blown rice is a stable food in most countries; particularly in Pakistan. Since it's derived from whole grain, it has all its vital nutrients fully packed. It's also rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber therefore it makes you feel full for a long time hence you don't eat too much.

It's also versatile in the kitchen-you can invoke any cooking method; whether boiling or flying and still maintain the necessary nutrients that help you to lose weight with ease. Also, you don't have to be worried on what to eat it with; you can eat it with almost anything: from meat stew to vegetables. Other benefits of blown rice are that it helps to prevent colon cancer and in bringing bowel regularity-especially in infants.

  Oatmeal is another carb that will help you lose weight fast. It's usually obtained from rolled oat and easily prepared through cooking. Just like blown rice, it's rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber-which plays a great role in speeding-up weight loss.

Other than helping you to lose weight, oatmeal contains tocotrienols which slow down cholesterol synthesis hence shielding you away from high blood pressure. Oatmeal also helps you to prevent other diseases such as diabetes, cancer and stroke.

As an extra benefit, oatmeal will help you shed belly fat faster since it makes you visit the bathroom more often-this is also important in preventing blot and cleaning the gut.

  This is a unique carb that has been used for generations as an effective weight loss food. In fact, the world health organization (WHO) has classified it as a super food. It has double benefits: it's a complex carbohydrate and it's also cholesterol free.

  Not only that, Quinoa has all the necessary amino acids found in meat. So, by taking Quinoa, you are not only cutting on your weight, but you are also deriving all the nutrients found in meat. It's easy to prepare, and it's cooked just like rice or any other edibles. You need to eat Quinoa with healthy fruits or vegetables to get faster results in weight loss.

  Parting shot
  So there you have it. Whether you are creating a sustainable natural weight loss plan or just in need of living a healthy lifestyle, the above foods are integral in your life and it's important to include them in your daily diet.
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Lose Weight Bicycling

  We have all seen exercise and weight-loss fads come and go. While some of them were very useful, others were downright ridiculous in their claims. Sit and lose weight? Think yourself thin? We have heard them all. Still, there is one form of exercise that is a really good way to burn calories and has stood the test of time. In fact, it has been around for almost two hundred years and is still going strong. I am talking about bicycling, one of the best and easiest ways to get out and get some exercise.

  Bicycling burns many more calories than just running alone and it much gentler on your joints making it a good low impact cardio workout that can be done almost anywhere. We've put together a few tips to get you cycling and on the path to weight loss.

  First, you need to decide where you want to ride and I don't mean just what path to ride down or park to ride through. I am talking about whether or not you want to ride inside or outside. The good thing about bicycling is that you can do both. If it is cold and snowy outside you can still get you ride in by using either a stationary bike or a set of rollers for your street bike. These allow you to set up your own bicycle on them and pedal away in the comfort of your own home maybe even while watching some television.

 Next, you need to set up a good riding plan especially if you will be riding outside. You will want to map out a route that isn't going to be too difficult when you are starting out and one that follows a safe route away from heavily congested traffic areas. You want your ride to be enjoyable so you will do it often. Choose a route that has a couple of different difficulty levels. You have to be able to challenge yourself and a smooth, flat route won't do that. You ride should take around an hour to get the best results. This type of training can be hard on your body so make sure you get plenty of rest and don't overdo it. Two or three days every week should be enough to start a good exercise and weight loss routine.

  When you start to see some results, push yourself a little farther. After a while the results will start to taper off and you will have to drastically change your route and the intensity of your workout. With the proper equipment and the right amount of effort, you will shed pounds faster than you ever thought you could and have fun doing it.
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Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss

  Losing weight is hard, and not seeing results is just frustrating. You may be one of those who have bought fitness books or downloaded fitness plans on your latest gadgets, but still, nothing worked out; the extra pounds you've been wanting to shed off are still there in your body. You're definitely sure that you followed everything, every detail and instruction of the fitness plan, and yet your figure is still the same. Maybe, just maybe, it's not that your fitness plan is ineffective; you might be doing something that defeats the purpose and sabotages the results. Below is a list of things most people do that serves as obstacles in their weight loss programs. Read it to find out what those things are.

  1. Your water intake is less than recommended. Water is a good appetite suppressant that when taken before meals, fills your stomach that causes you to eat less. Water too, is an adjunct to an increased fiber intake. Having a diet of fiber-rich foods without drinking enough water can only result to constipation.   According to Pamela Wartian Smith, MD, author of "Why You Can't Lose Weight", "If you consume an aggressive amount of fiber, another 8 to 16 ounces a day is a good idea." Therefore, drinking 8 glasses of water isn't enough with that kind of diet; the recommended amount of water will be approximately 12 glasses daily if your diet includes rich sources of fiber.

  2. You take in less protein. Studies show that high protein diets are great for weight-losing, body-building fitness plans. Proteins have a property that enhances the feeling of satiety that prevents us to overeat. Additionally, protein takes more energy to be metabolized by the body than carbohydrates and fat, according to Cari Coulter, RD, program director for Wellspring Weight Loss Camp in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In that sense, higher protein diets make the body burn slightly more calories in the process of digestion.

  3. You sit all day. Office works can pose a number of health hazards. They seem easy because all you have to do is sit all day in front of your computer; the last thing you can experience is being physically exhausted, but this sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes of obesity. One study from the University of Missouri-Columbia shows that sitting for a few hours causes your body to stop producing a fat-inhibiting enzyme known as lipase. It will be helpful if you get up and walk for about 2 minutes every 2 hours to burn an additional 59 calories per day. Use your smartphone as a timer to remind you every 2 hours about your 2-minute walk away from your desk.

  4. Your computation is inaccurate. Counting calories is the best way to track if you're losing weight or not. Burning more calories than what you take in is a good thing, for you're on track to losing weight, and that's for sure. However, counting calories is not a simple task. More often than not, they are just but approximations. It's really hard to determine calorie intake accurately. Always leave room for margin of error for about at most 200 calories. A huge discrepancy from your calories burned and calories taken in can lead to fluctuations in your weight.

 5. You work out regularly. Working out causes your appetite to increase more than usual. People tend to eat more when they work out, maybe because they feel that they have earned it or simply because they have overestimated how much they have burned. The most surprising thing about exercise is that it causes your body to store an extra two to four pounds of water to prevent dehydration. According to Michele S. Olson, PhD, Fitness advisory board member and professor or exercise science at Auburn University in Alabama, "You'll always carry that extra water unless you became inactive; it's not fat or muscle, but simply super hydration."

  6. You're always stressed. Whenever you are stressed, cortisol, a stress hormone, is being produced by the body in excessive amounts, which is an appetite stimulant. Cortisol is also a trigger for the production of a brain chemical, neuropeptide Y, which increases cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Even if you have mastered the art of depriving yourself from cravings, cortisol still can slow down metabolism. Additionally, being stressed increases fat storage in the abdominal area, where weight is harder to lose.
Even the simplest, inconceivable things we do can lead to killing our dreams and aspirations. As soon as possible, try to change the habits that keep you from losing weight and getting in great shape. All it takes is not doing the things that interfere with your fitness plan repeatedly to form a weight loss habit.

Oct 11, 2013

Dissecting Weight Loss Myths

  One of the quickest ways to become discouraged when you are trying to lose weight is falling victim to many of the myths that are out there regarding diets and weight loss. All too often, people will talk themselves into believing a lot of the myths simply because they have heard them time and time again. Knowing the difference between a fact and a myth when you are trying to lose weight a live a healthier life will allow you to focus on your body and your overall health.

  There are quite a few people out there who want to achieve weight loss who think that they need to work harder if they have more weight that they want to lose. While it is important to work hard at your weight loss goals, needing to shed a high number of pounds never means that you have to embark on a super intense workout plan. Implementing a well balanced diet along with a fitness routine that you can handle will help you to achieve the best possible results. This is why people who have quite a bit of weight to lose will often work with a personal trainer to help them put together a comprehensive weight loss and exercise plan.

  There are people out there that try many diets that tell them that they can eat whatever they want. In reality, this couldn't be further from the truth. There is an old saying that you are what you eat. Remember this phrase and live by it as you are trying to achieve your desired weight loss. While it is a wonderful thought that you can eat whatever you want and trick your body into shedding pounds, this is a very rare occurrence. In order to maintain optimal fitness and lose the weight that you are fighting with, it is important that you practice portion control along with a well balanced diet filled with good, fresh foods.

  Another common myth that people will fall victim to when they are on a weight loss journey is that they can starve themselves and lose weight. It is important to remember that this is never the case. Leaving yourself without healthy calories and going hungry is only going to make you feel unhealthy and out of energy. Your body needs a certain amount of calories each day in order to function properly. Instead of trying to cut out foods altogether, it is important that you simply take notice of the types of foods that you are eating. Instead of reaching for a muffin in the morning, grab a piece of fresh fruit and so on.

  No matter what your plans are for weight loss, you can have the success that you deserve as long as you do not fall victim to the many myths that are out there about losing weight. Get onto a plan that works for you, even if you start by taking baby steps. Your ultimate goal is your own health and your weight loss journey is your own personal path.

Oct 10, 2013

Weight Loss - A Way of Life,

  Millions of dollars are spent by consumers, year after year, on weight loss products, dietary supplements and exercise programs. The results are usually minimal, with the natural tendency to look for something short-term, quick and easy. Along with the obvious physical factors of being overweight, there are many physiological, emotional and psychological factors present as well. A long-term weight loss strategy must be put in place to ensure consistent, long-term results. One's view on losing weight must shift to a new way of thinking, a more holistic approach. Changing life long habits is tough, but necessary to create a healthier lifestyle and a new "way of life".

  Exercise, diet and education are three critical components to losing weight, but the acceptable range and scope of each varies greatly across the population. How long should I exercise? What types of exercise should I do? How much should I eat? What should I eat? You can go to the internet, friends and family for answers, and you will get many. You might try a few of their suggestions, usually get frustrated and stop. Or, you'll lose some weight, stop once the desired effect is achieved and gain the weight back. The point is to at least listen to what family and friends are doing, and use that information in your decision-making process.
You need to ask, "Is anyone having success long-term?" If there are programs or supplements marketed on the internet that interest you or that you have questions on, see how your doctor feels about them. Your best bet is to seek advice from your health professional. Your doctor will know best what to recommend based on your age and health limitations.

 Educate yourself on how to prepare healthy meals with proper cooking recipes. Find recipes or cookbooks that are designed with fat burning foods and ingredients. Look for structure, quick and easy meal plans with recipe variety. Learn and understand your emotional hot buttons and weaknesses. Stress, emotional eating, meal portion size, over eating at meal time, food binges, carbohydrate cravings, lack of spouse support, late night eating, certain food additives and over snacking can be factors in weight loss success. By understanding what motivates and influences you emotionally and psychologically will assist you in developing short and long-term plans to move forward confidently.

  Losing weight can be a complex proposition, one that includes many physical, psychological, physiological and emotional elements. By taking on a more holistic approach to weight loss, educating yourself on diets and exercise programs, identifying emotional stressors and having the willpower to change old habits and thought processes will lead to successful, long-term transformation. In order to create a healthier lifestyle, old habits and thought processes must be abandoned to let your new "way of life" begin.
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Oct 9, 2013

What Is the 500 Calorie Diet?

  The 500 calorie diet is one of these programs that are gaining fast popularity with people desperate to lose weight. A generous estimate says that you should lose between 3 and 5 pounds per week without the need for any exercise, and while that might sound very inviting we will discuss why this diet ends up doing more harm to your health than good.

  How to follow the diet?
  The 500 calorie diet is pretty self-explanatory; the only requirement of this diet is that you stay under 500 calories per day. Considering that women need between 1200 and 1500 calories solely to perform bodily functions and men require roughly 1800, you can easily see why this diet causes such rapid weight loss.
Large meals, especially hearty breakfasts, are completely impossible under this program. You will need to eat roughly 150 calories in each meal and allow for at least 50 calories for a snack.

  The only real options for breakfast are a little skim milk or orange juice (small cups), since any sort of food that needs to be chewed will increase your appetite. Fruits and salads are good options, as well as vegetable soups for lunch and dinner. Again, the portions need to be small, a regular bowl of plain fat free chicken broth will have roughly 80 calories, with added vegetables if you don't have to be on a liquid diet, will be more than that.

  You cannot use oil when cooking and meats or dairy are completely out of the question, just like bread, rice or pasta. You should try to keep your choices varied, eating 8 apples will work calorically, but you need to take into account the different nutriments that your body needs, since you're already depriving it of enough energy.

  The good aspects:
  The initial weight loss is quick.
It's cheap. You don't have to buy anything special and you can save money because of the reduced portions you'll ingest.

  The bad aspects:
  The hunger. It will be very pointed and you won't have meals that will soothe it like in other diets. The body might increase its levels of adrenaline as it recognizes starvation, which causes a series of health problems, or you might feel weak and tired which will affect your work and general life.

  The pounds lost will mostly be water weight and lean muscle mass. Muscle is heavy and full of nutriments that the body can transform in energy, but this will increase your body fat percentage and make you gain weight as soon as you quit the diet.

  It's not sustainable long term. There will come a point where the body will adapt to the lower calorie intake, which will slow your metabolism and make it harder for you to lose weight down the line.
  It can also cause severe health problems due to the lack of nutriments ingested. Women need between 1200 and 1500 calories solely to perform bodily functions and men require roughly 1800. This deficit is too large and thus, causes too much strain for the body.

  In conclusion, the 500 calorie diet is not really an option unless you want to gamble with your health. If you're looking to lose real weight, this is a dangerous, difficult and detrimental option.
I was an obese man, who with God's help, lot of self-discipline and work has lost many pounds and wishes to share his experience with the world. Hopefully I can help to make your weight loss journey easier. I still haven't achieved all of my goals but am on a good way. For more articles you can visit my blog here.
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Oct 8, 2013

Quick Weight Loss 101

  When we decide to lose weight we want to see results fast. There are some diets for quick weight loss that produce short term results. The problems with rapid weight loss is the results can be short lived. However there are ways to lose weight fast and keep it of. It's important to know the healthy ways to lose weight fast.

  Short Term Diets That Give Results
  It is important that whenever you are looking into a diet you know it's potential for good and bad. Here are some fast weight loss methods.
  • 3 Day Diet: This diet is designed for short term use. It has an individual losing their water weight by following a very specific diet plan. The plan is designed to have exceptional metabolic reactions between the foods that it requires. This is a restrictive diet that is designed to boost fat burning.
  • Cabbage Soup Diet: This diet has been around for years, and in many different forms. It is a very restrictive diet which has survived over time. The cabbage diet lists what you can eat each day of the week. Since cabbage soup being the main menu choice, this diet can get old quickly. So do it one week at a time. It offers very short term results.
  • Grapefruit Diet: This diet has been around since the 1930s and is still going strong. This fast weight loss method is meant to be used for 12 days. This diet is very restrictive, if food isn't allotted in the diet it isn't allowed at all. This is a diet that said to help you lose weight through the ingestion of the unsweetened grapefruit juice. The truth is that you reduced calorie intake and this will encourage weight loss. There isn't a specific reason the grapefruit works other than it is a extremely nutritious and a low-calorie fruit.
  • Negative Calorie Diet: The negative calorie diet allows you to consume as much as you wish of certain foods. Those foods are negative calorie foods. They gain this name because it takes more calories to chew and process these foods than are in the foods. This is used as a diet for quick weight loss, as it doesn't balance foods correctly.
  Long Term Tricks to Weight Loss
  There are some fast weight loss methods that can hold you for long term weight loss. These are diets that start off with fast results and long term ability to keep off weight.
  • Low carb diet: This diet restricts you to only eating lean protein in the first stage. This forces the body into a ketosis stage that allows the body fat to burn rather than the ingested carbohydrates. It needs careful planning however as eating only protein can play havoc on your digestive system. Some form of fiber is essential. This helps you feel full as well as continue to encourage healthy bowels.
  • Don't Skip Meals: It is important you don't skip meals. It might even be a good idea to increase the number of meals we eat. This doesn't mean to add in full meals more times in the day, but to reduce all meal sizes allowing the ability to snack through the day. Every time we eat we wake up our bodies. We begin to digest food, causing us to lose calories. It is important to remember to never skip breakfast. This is one important meal; it has been shown that a person eats more calories in a day when one doesn't eat breakfast.
  • Exercise and Strength Training: This is something that most diets will encourage. Exercise alone will not make you lose weight, however in conjunction with healthy eating it can do more than one might think. To increase muscle tone can increase the calories that you will use on an average basis. The suggestion is that 10 pounds of muscle can burn 30 more calories than 10 pounds of fat per day. That being said the more vigorous exercising you do the more calories you burn and the more weight you lose. However it can be as simple as taking a brisk walk every day.
  There are many things that people do over the years to lose weight, however only a portion of them are meant for the long term weight loss. No matter what you decide on for weight loss; remember to talk to your doctor or nationalist regarding your weight loss plan. Know which ones are meant for short term, which is meant for a longer term. Find something that you are capable of doing with little regrets. These are the diets for quick weight loss, because giving up will never work.
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Lose Weight Naturally by Avoiding 5 Major Weight Loss Mistakes

  The formula that will help you lose weight naturally is really simple - you need to get fewer calories with food and burn more calories with exercise. However, implementing this strategy into practice is not that easy mainly because there are small details which can get in the way. Consider the seemingly small but serious mistakes made by people who want to slim down and learn how to avoid them.

  Mistake 1: Having only 3 meals a day
  When you eat food less frequently, there are huge insulin spikes and drops. These lead to hunger pangs which make you eat more once you get your hands on food and this naturally pushes your calorie intake up. The solution is to snack between meals in order to lose weight more quickly and effectively.
You should have at least two snacks -one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The foods for snacking should be billing and have few calories. Some of the best options include fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies, low-fat plain yogurt, whole grain bagels and raw nuts.

  Mistake 2: Drinking processed juices, carbonated drinks and alcohol
  Processed juices have plenty of added sugar and so do most carbonated drinks, which tend to irritate the stomach too. Alcohol is also rich in calories and slows down metabolism. If you want to lose weight, you must avoid these drinks. It is best to stay away from them in the long term as well. Of course, there is nothing wrong with enjoying a refreshing soda or a glass of wine every now and then. You can readily replace the processed juices and carbonated drinks with freshly squeezed juices, green tea, which is known for stimulating fat burning, and various beverages based on creative recipes.

  Mistake 3: Eating canned and processed foods
  These foods are full of fat, sugar and synthetic compounds, which may have an adverse effect on the body's metabolism. In order to lose weight, you should not put these foods on your table. This is more easily said than done given the modern lifestyle, but you can replace these foods with dishes which use only natural ingredients and are easy to prepare. There are plenty of great recipes online. Similarly, you can replace junk food with healthy alternatives like raw nuts and vegetable sticks.

  Mistake 4: Doing mostly strength training exercises right from the start
  Strength training does an excellent job in toning the muscles and making you fit, strong and elegant, but it will not help you burn many calories and may be a bit overwhelming for someone who has a sedentary lifestyle. It is best to start off with cardio and do strength training for just ten minutes out of a sixty-minute workout. If you want faster weight loss results, you should consider cardio interval training.

  Mistake 5: Not getting enough rest
  When you do not sleep enough and feel stressed out, your body stores more fat. That is why sleeping for 8 hours every night and fighting stress via time management and different relaxation techniques will help you lose weight more effectively and more quickly. Besides, when you are in good mood, you are less likely to experience food cravings.

  Get on the right track and lose weight to stay healthy and fit.
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Weight Loss - Thunder Thighs

  Thin is pretty. This is the premise on which the world functions. It is unfortunate but it is true. Women are subjugated to this unfair and absolutely incorrect norm that skinny women are considered hot while heavier ones are not. Why does this happen? The image of a woman and how she should be and what role does she play in society goes a long way in explaining this imagery. Feminine traits are for some absurd reason linked with being attractive and thin. This pejorative imagery is primarily based on the mindset of males. Since men 'desire' women to be a certain way - a way that does not threaten the dominance of the male and does not repulse or disgust him, over the years it has become a given that women who are thin are attractive. This imagery also flows through popular culture, further cementing it into human psyche.

  This poses a very serious problem to all females. With a constant comparison to others around them and what they perceive to be the ideal type - most of them are obsessed with weight loss. In extreme cases, this leads to depression and can cause life threatening circumstances. The world would have been a much better place without mirrors. Women and mirrors are sworn enemies. In front of a mirror, most women are either saying "Oh my god look at my arms" or "My belly jiggles all the time" or "When did I get those thunder thighs?" Weight loss therefore, is a birth right to each woman and you will hardly come across a woman who has not fretted about her weight and does not think about weight loss at least 10 times in a day.

  In the bargain, this obsession with weight loss has provided brilliant business opportunities for fitness and weight loss products and services that have mushroomed across the globe. Women drive the weight loss industry forward as they remain their biggest patrons and this unlikely to change in the future. Unfortunately, women who do not find them conforming to the norm of ideal body type usually slip into depression or develop complexes and layered personalities which are difficult to understand and treat. Constant comparisons with peers and celebrities leads many woman to take drastic steps like starving, using dangerous supplements or other products or even going in for surgical procedures to stay and look thin.  Advanced forms of distorted body image relate to anorexia and bulimia which are life threatening diseases.

  It is very important to openly tell women that they are absolutely fine and help them accept their bodies. Weight loss is not even required for many and yet they waste a majority of their lives just fretting and cribbing about it. Indeed, weight loss and women are inseparable.
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Traditional Home Remedies For Weight Loss

  Home remedies for weight loss are very popular all over the world despite so many slimming products being launched everyday in the market. The best thing about the home remedies for weight loss is that these are usually cheap and free from harmful side effects. These are handed over from one generation to the next, and most of the times people are not even aware of their origin. A lot of slimming products today promise to alleviate the woes of millions suffering from obesity, but questions are raised again and again about the authenticity of these claims. It has been proven time and again that several of these products are either ineffective, inaccessible or unaffordable for the common people. Products like weight loss pills have harmful side effects and experience has shown that they do more harm than good. Most of these pills have now been banned by medical associations across the world. Home remedies, on the other hand, are accessible, affordable and quite effective as well. These are prepared from articles that are easily available and usually come quite cheap.

  Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, was so popular as a way of life in the subcontinent that many of its prescriptions were adopted by people as part of their daily living, and continue to benefit them even now. Many of these prescriptions are for treating obesity, and people use them frequently to get rid of the excess fat.

  Honey and lemon juice:
  Mixture of honey and lemon is very effective for those who wish to lose fat. A mixture of four tablespoon lemon juice, one tablespoon honey and one teaspoon black pepper taken on empty stomach with lukewarm water works wonders.

  Pepper and ginger:
  Pepper and ginger are available in nearly every kitchen all over the world, and their mixture can help you shed weight as well.
  A mixture of powdered long pepper, black pepper and dried ginger root in equal quantities, taken twice a day with lukewarm water can help you shed the obstinate fat effectively and without any side effects.

  Mint and honey:
  Boil a few mint leaves in a cup of water for 5 minutes and let it cool. Add one teaspoon honey and a pinch of black pepper and drink 3-4 times a day. This is very effective.

  A bowl of cabbage everyday helps immensely in burning excess fat. You can take it in any form: boiled, cooked or raw as salad.

  Regular exercise, a balanced diet and a few home remedies for weight loss, that's all you really need to stay in shape and lead a healthy lifestyle!
Dr. Tea is a purely natural mixture of herbs, the secret of which lies in ancient Ayurveda. Dr. Tea, the ultimate Weight loss tea, speeds up the body's metabolism and helps burn calories at a faster rate.
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The DASH Diet Can Help Lower High Blood Pressure, Help With Weight Loss and Amp a Healthy Lifestyle

  With its emphasis on eating a variety of foods and getting the right nutrients in the proper amounts, the DASH diet can help with many health issues. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, but it can help with much more than that. It is a proven diet plan to lower blood pressure. By lowering blood pressure it can help with heart disease, strokes, diabetes, weight loss, liver disease, kidney disease and help teach you how to live a healthy lifestyle.

  Several books have been released to go along with the diet. The D.A.S.H. Diet Weight Loss Solution is a new bestseller that assimilates the diet with a weight loss program. The D.A.S.H. Diet Action Plan along with The Everyday D.A.S.H. Diet Cookbook are resources to help you use the diet in your daily eating and cooking habits.

  This diet has been so highly applauded because it includes guidelines that doctors already recommend. Guidelines such as eating less processed meat, sugar, saturated fat, cholesterol, and transfat. Nothing that you haven't heard before, but they put together in a new way that is more accessible and fit more easily into your life.

  There have been recent studies on the diet supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. One study was on the effects of eating a varied, healthy diet, such as the DASH, versus eating a typical American diet on blood pressure. The results showed that following a diet like DASH, with healthy food, fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy can lower blood pressure. DASH also helps you reduce red meat, sweets, and fatty foods. It is worth noting that participants in this study lowered their blood pressure even without restrictions on salt intake. In another study, they did impose sodium limits. Those participants lowered their blood pressure even further.

  The D.A.S.H. Diet works to lower your blood pressure in several ways. First, by replacing high salt, highly processed foods with healthy alternatives like fruits and vegetables. A diet high in sodium has been linked to high blood pressure, which can contribute to heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease and stroke. Many sources suggest keeping your daily sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day or less. This equals about 2/3 teaspoon of salt. Use salt-free seasonings and look for salt substitutes.

  DASH is also rich in nutrients such as fiber, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, deficits of which are linked to hypertension. 98% of all Americans suffer from a lack of potassium. Sources of potassium are beans, legumes, nuts, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

  The diet recommends daily servings of 7-8 of grains, 4-5 of fruits and vegetables, 2-3 of low-fat dairy, and no more than 2 of servings of lean meats. And also weekly servings of 4-5 portions of beans, seeds, and nuts.

  It is easy to get to these suggested servings by making a few simple changes to your diet. You can raise your veggie intake by adding them to salads or soups, having cut or bite sized vegetables as snacks, and increasing the veggie to meat ratio in your food. You can choose whole grain versions of bread, cereal, and pasta. Add nuts into your cereal, yogurt, or salads. Have dried fruit and nuts for snacks. Substitute low-fat milk in smoothies and coffee. Use low-fat yogurt and cheese for breakfast, snacks, or on salads and vegetables.

  The DASH diet is a healthy, high-fiber diet that can help, not only lower high blood pressure, but also high cholesterol. Its a healthy weight loss diet and it helps you get healthy by choosing a healthy lifestyle.
Go now to get more information about salt-free, sugar-free, gluten free seasonings, a salt substitute and recipes. I invite you to sign up for our Season It Newsletter when you visit Benson's Gourmet Seasonings at From owner Debbie Benson with over 30 years experience promoting salt-free seasonings.
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Oct 7, 2013

4 Foods To Stay Away From For Losing Weight Fast

  Each and every day, people who are trying to lose weight end up discovering that they are having a much harder time reaching their goals in this area than they ever imagined they would have, as they continue to see the same range of numbers every time they step on the scale, no matter how much they work out and push themselves in the gym; one thing most people in this position fail to realize, however, is that there is a whole lot more to shedding pounds and becoming more healthy than simply working out! On top of putting in your time exercising and getting yourself in shape, it will also be important that you understand the foods you should be eating, and that you understand the foods you should be avoiding; as such, here is a look at four of the most important foods to make sure you are avoiding if "losing weight" is the goal you are chasing!

  Refined sugars: One of the main things you are going to want to realize, when attempting to get your weight under control, is that unnatural foods are going to have a hugely negative impact on your body, and one of the kings of these "unnatural foods" is refined sugar; while those processed sweets may taste good in the moment, the impact of eating them lasts far longer than you would like, and sets back your efforts to conquer your weight at last.

  Processed grains: Processed grains are another one of the big culprits when it comes to weight gain, as the body turns these carbohydrates into glucose, and then mobilizes insulin to clear this glucose out of the bloodstream; this has a dual effect, with the first thing being that your body then stores this glucose as fat, and with the second thing being that your insulin is working to get glucose out of your bloodstream, instead of doing its other job: burning your stored fat for energy!

  Certain fruits: While fruit is absolutely among the best foods you will be able to put into your body, it is important to realize that not all fruits are created equal; when you deal with fruits that are high in sugars (even though these are sugars that are occurring naturally, and are therefore not "bad" for your body), you will also put yourself in a position to deal with high amounts of weight gain.

  "Empty" foods: And finally, it is going to be important that you begin to avoid those foods that simply fill you up, without providing you with any significant nutritional value; bread, of course, is one food that falls into this category, but other foods in this category include potatoes and peanuts (yes, peanuts are not a nut - they are a legume - and the health benefits from peanuts are not nearly as great as the health benefits of a slew of other, true nuts!).
 Dalyn Baker
  Get fit TODAY!
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Oct 6, 2013

5-HTP Select For Weight Loss

  You are desperate to lose weight, but dieting is simply not your cup of tea. Not because you don't want to do it, but because you cannot control the urge to eat. Is there a way to trim the pounds without having to endure the unpleasant side effects of dieting?
  One way to help is the use of appetite suppressants such as 5-HTP.

  The Facts on 5-HTP
  5-HTP is the abbreviated form for 5-hydroxytryptophan. It is a naturally occurring substance in the body produced from tryptophan. This substance is then converted into serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain. It is nicknamed the "Happy Hormone" as it carries signals of happiness between the nerve cells in the brain. Thus, it acts a mood stabilizer. Serotonin was also shown to improve sleep in users.

  The pills available in the market are herbal supplements. They are made using a similar chemical compound derived from plants. 5-hydroxytryptophan is sourced from the seeds of the Griffonia Simplicifolia, a shrub native to West Africa. The pills are mostly available in the capsule form. These herbal supplements have not been approved by the FDA.

  The Science Behind 5-HTP
  5-hydroxytryptophan is a natural appetite suppressant. It reduces hunger pangs and controls your calorie consumption. It trims down cravings particularly for carbohydrates.
  This amino acid derived from tryptophan also aids in weight loss by regulating the amount of serotonin produced by the body. Low levels of serotonin create feelings of depression and stress. Many overeat to The elevated levels of the happy hormone calm the mind and create a "feel good" feeling. By improving your mood, it gives rise to a feeling of satiety and prevents overeating induced by stress.

  Thus, appetite suppression combined with a general sense of wellbeing makes 5-hydroxytryptophan an effective weight loss tool.

  Selected studies have also proved its effectiveness in treating insomnia, depression and headaches. But there is not much evidence in this regard.

  You can start 5-HTP at 50 mg per day. You can level up gradually. The supplements can be taken with food or before your meal.

  Precautions and Side Effects
  This supplement does not replace a healthy diet or exercise program. For those suffering a medical condition, it is advised that you take the supplement only after consulting your doctor. It should also not be taken by those using other medications as there are chances of drug interactions.

  The supplement is safe when taken in the right dosage. However, prolonged use in higher doses can cause side effects. These include gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting, nausea and stomach pain. Pregnant or lactating women should not take 5-HTP.

  Also, make sure you choose a 5-HTP supplement without any additives or binders.
  Overall, the 5-HTP supplement is safe given that you use it as instructed. Make a healthy choice and lose weight comfortably and safely.
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