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Dec 23, 2013

What Does Calorie Have to Do with Fat

  People usually look up to someone demonstrating a perfect body shape that is properly trimmed off. Beauty pageants like the Search for Miss Universe, and fashion shows for luxurious garments are obviously showing preference on women with slim fat free bodies. Possibly this is one of the top reasons why most women and even men would surely take out a few bucks from their pockets just to fund some body trimming schemes shown in various ways. Even if climbing up a hill takes extra time and effort, some men and women go for it, while others prefer walking and jogging to burn calories. Some enroll at a gym, played strenuous sports, go fishing or control the food intake.

  The problem with other people is that they can hardly control themselves from eating that seems like their hobby already. How do people get fat? How do calories differ from fats?

  From the digestive area, carbohydrates are engrossed as simple sugars, known as glucose that is maintained in the blood at about constant level. Glucose undergo catabolism to satiate the body's need for energy. Under this procedure, the molecule of glucose splits down into carbon compounds that are at once oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. If the glucose is not used for any activity, it is converted to the so called glycogen that stays in the liver and muscles. Glucose are transformed into fats when the reserves for the liver and muscles are full or packed already. The fats go to adipose tissue.

  Anabolic and catabolic reactions are associated to produce a particular, life-essential end products. When anabolism exceeds catabolism, growth or weight gain takes place. On the other hand, when catabolism goes over anabolism, like during periods of hunger or illness, the weight loss takes effect. When the two metabolic processes are equally balanced, the organism is more or less in a stage of dynamic stability.

  Fat substances undergo hydrolysis and putrefy into their component - glycerine and fatty acids. These are synthesized for purposes of neutralizing fats, fatty acids and cholesterol compounds and phospholipids. Fats might be stored in the body tissue for later use when necessary.

  Herbals for Loosing Weight
  With the outset of the new medical apparatus and technology, more and more processed pills had been manufactured and come out of the market. All of them are bearing labels with positive self- serving claims that could make shoppers almost want to buy the whole products. There were also those made in a form of tea. Some had been influenced by the traditional way of getting slim.

  But as between processed pills and herbal medicines, the latter would still be safer without much side effects compared to the former. Herbal slimming pill came from a variety of herbal plants that originated from several places. There were those coming from Africa, Philippines, or China, not to mention other nations.

  Need for Slim Body
  Precisely because people's culture generally discriminate obese and plump men and women from participating in certain events, people nowadays are dying hard to prune their figures in many ways. Some tried drinking coffee, tea, and taking pills for weight control.

  If nothing happened with your body, you might want to try herbal dietary supplements that can control or block your fats from developing into a full body fat.
Jade Amethyst []
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Dec 22, 2013

Chinese Green Tea Weight Loss Information

  Locating chinese green tea information can be a arduous task. Although the information highway provides a great deal of content regarding the subject, frequently it is overwhelming and too perplexing to figure out. This article is meant to prevent the aggravation of endlessly sifting through the mountain of pages returned by your web search and provide some closely related weight loss information you need concerning chinese green tea.

  Many people look upon Chinese green tea as legendary. Chinese green tea has long been known to provide a variety of health benefits. Because of the many health dividends offered by greentea extract, there has been endless discourse over many, many years that will certainly continue for years to come.

  The origin of the green tea drink reaches back to the year 2737 B.C. Legend has it that burning tea twigs blew into a cooking pot of boiling water. After tasting the chance brew, Emperor Shen Nung whom was deemed the Father of Chinese medicine, decided it was so tasty he recommended it to his people. And the rest is history. Over many years, the use and of green tea became popular throughout the Far East and in recent years world wide.

  A common question is what separates green tea from other teas? Oddly enough, the Camellia sinensis plant produces black and oolong tea as well as green tea. Even with the same origin as black tea, the green tea herb produced by the Camellia sinensis provides more health benefits.

  The answer to why are teas from the same plant so different lies in the method of production. Because black and oolong teas are oxidized during production, they both lose much of the health beneficial qualities. Green tea is steamed rather than oxidized.

  As a side note, synonyms for oxidize are decompose and deteriorate. That in itself says a lot about the method of processing black tea.
  Therefore, retaining the health antioxidants is secured through the steaming process which is performed before it is dried. The difference in production seems simple enough. So, another question goes unanswered. If steaming would help retain more health value, why not change the method of production for the oolong and black teas?

  Chinese green tea has long been used for its health benefits as well as its pleasing taste. As noted before, antioxidants are very health beneficial. In 2006, researchers at Yale University School of Medicine antioxidants from green tea are believed to help lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. The end result is possibly lowering the risk of heart disease.

  Many studies have been completed recently on Chinese green tea for weight loss. One by the University of Geneva shows that green tea extract has a positive metabolic effect on the body. A higher metabolism means a greater potential for burning fat and losing weight. The study found that the combination of two substances found in green tea, caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), create a thermogenic effect. They contribute a possible four percent thermogenic increase in the body. Those findings have given much belief to the weight loss enhancement through chinese green tea.

  These positive weight loss benefits along with the long valued health aspects of green tea extract have become so widely recognized that major cold drink manufacturers have taken to promoting new products by referencing EGCG as a main ingredient. Those products are commonly promoted as energy drinks as much as weight loss products.

  Other studies have also shown links between green tea extract and weight loss. It has been said that as much as 70 calories a day can be burned by drinking Chinese green tea. Yet another reason for weight loss programs to include some form of green tea extract.
The popularity of Chinese green tea has spread world wide. It can now be commonly found as a cold drink. With its safe herbal attributes, another prominent use for green tea today is in weight loss products.

  As routinely as chinese green tea is written about, it is possible to become conscious of a new perspective by reviewing informative and related weight loss articles online. Additional instructional guidance and suggestions can be found at this website. So, after reviewing this health article, take a moment to survey this websites article directory for numerous other quality Chinese green tea information for weight loss.

  As editor and author for many health related websites, Loren writes to provide helpful tips and information like Chinese Green Tea Information for the website visitors of
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Dec 19, 2013

Dining Out with a Weight Loss Diet

  When you are trying any type of weight loss diet, dining out, and grocery shopping can be dreaded tasks. Often times, depending on the weight loss diet you have chosen, restaurants do not carry many diet-friendly menu items. The grocery store, forgive me for saying this, can be pure hell for any person on a weight loss diet. Well with this article, you will find that neither has to be the nightmare we all know it can be.

  If you find the right weight loss diet you can eat out at your favorite restaurants confident that, you will stick to the diet and still experience weight loss. It is really very simple, if you know exactly what to do. You know those appetizers and bread that restaurants like to tempt us with? Avoid them! Do not eat them before you eat your meal. If they really look good, take them home with you and have them for snacks later.

  The entire key of weight loss diets is knowing what to eat, how much to eat, and when to quit. It is important that you avoid eating all you can at one meal. You should only eat until full. When I say full, I do not mean that stuffed feeling that you get after eating a big meal, where if you move you might simply fall over or vomit, whichever comes first. No, you should only eat until your body says OK that was good.

  Breaking up your meals into several mini-meals is a great weight to begin a weight loss diet. Eat until you are satisfied and save the rest for later. Some weight loss diets suggest that you literally eat six to eight small meals a day. What this does is allows your body enough time to convert the foods into energy and metabolism, which promotes weight loss. The more metabolism you experience, the greater the energy, the greater the activity, the greater the weight loss.

  It is better to take leftovers home with you from a restaurant, when on a weight loss diet, than it is to sit there and stuff yourself. The more you eat at a single sitting, the less likely you are to lose that weight you want to lose. You start a weight loss diet to free yourself from the monster of fat. It is important that you learn healthier eating habits and understand that while you need to watch the foods you eat, you do not have to starve yourself, but you also do not want to over-eat either. Only eat what you need, save the rest for later.
  Alberto Martinez Miller. More Information at: []
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Dec 10, 2013

Women's Health and Fitness - Weight Training To Lose Weight

  Weight gain is a lot easier as you grow older particularly as the motivation to exercise also wanes, but you can turn it around it does not matter how old you are. You should start to weave some sort of exercise into your daily life.

  One type of exercise that you should consider to do is weight training, also known as strength training or resistance training. Weight training will not only help with losing weight but will also trim and tone your body. Age does not matter it has been shown that women as old as 70 who have started to weight train and have improved their body strength within a very short while.

  Weight training is an important element in fighting flab; maybe it is the most important. If you do aerobic exercise you only burn fat during the exercise but with weight training you burn fat even when you have finished. The body is still burning fat for up to as much as twelve hours after finishing the exercise whilst it is building the muscles worked, so you can still be burning fat while you are resting. But that is not the end of the story.

  A body full of muscle uses far more calories than a body full of fat, so you will find that you will need to eat more to maintain your weight and your muscle. You do not need to worry that you will bulk up like a body builder, as you do not have the right makeup to do this, as a woman you will only elongate and define your muscles, and build lean muscles.

  When you first start to weight train you might find that your weight will actually increase. This is because muscle is heavier than fat but as muscle is smaller so you should notice the body getting smaller even if the scales do not show an decrease in weight.

  The additional benefits from weight training are:-
 1. It helps to strengthen and increase the density of your bones because the act of the muscles pulling and flexing the bones helps to lay down more bone fibre.

2. Stronger muscles helps your body to be more steady and so helps to prevent falls.

3. It has also been found that it can fight the build up of abdominal fat by lifting weights at least twice a week.

  Finally when weight training make sure that you change your routine around so that the body can not get use to the routine. It only takes the body about six weeks for it to learn how to work efficiently if keeping to the same routine and therefore you will stop seeing any weight or body changes.
So have fun and start weight training to lose weight and tone your body.

  Gill Webster is dedicated to helping women over 40, learn how to live a healthy beautiful life. To learn more, jump to [] and sign up for her free newsletter on health and fitness.
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Health and Fitness - Weight Loss Planning and Motivation

  A rather large problem that people face when trying to lose weight and get healthy is that they just don't stick with what they are trying to do. They get distracted, discouraged, or are just plain lazy. They say they're going to eat healthy, yet they get fast food 5 times a week. They try to hit the gym often, but only end up there two or three times in a month. Planning and motivation is a big reason this, and here are a few tips to get you on track and keep you going the distance:

  - Set several goals for yourself spanning over different lengths of time. Make these goals attainable, and set goals for a month, six months, and a year.

  - Make a habit of exercising at the same time every day. Once you get used to going to the gym/running/swimming at the same time every day then eventually it will become a part of your regular routine.

  - When it comes to eating healthy, only buy healthy items at the grocery store (and maybe one or two treats) and limit yourself to eating fast food to maybe once or twice in a week. This will force you to eat what you have purchased, and therefore you will only be eating healthy foods.

  - Avoid temptation. If you end up at a restaurant, order some lean chicken with rice and veggies instead of the cheeseburger and fries. Also, order a water instead of soft drinks.

  - Don't burn out with a routine that is far too aggressive. If you plan on eating plain white chicken breasts 3 times a day, and you don't even like chicken then you might have a problem. Make sure to eat foods that you like, but that are also healthy at the same time.

  With these tips, anyone should be able to make a plan and stick to it. It may be difficult at times, but remember that it all pays off when you look into the mirror and see a new, healthier you.
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Dec 5, 2013

3 Rare Dieting Tips

   You probably have read and tested all the diets on the market! So have I! I know that I should stop snacking, avoid sugar/chocolate/cookies, whatever tastes so good! I know I should exercise more, but hey, can someone do my chores so I can go to the gym?! If there is a diet, I have tried it. So try these easy tips instead, which are not a diet.

  1 - Brush your teeth after every meal to get the peppermint taste in your mouth. Clean, peppermint breath kills the urge of eating. Mixed peppermint and sugar or food tastes bad!

  2 - Drink coffee before you exercise. Caffeine makes the fatty acids work better in your blood, which again means you burn more fat. 5 cups of coffee daily is recommendable, a new research shows that 5 cups a day protects against several diseases. But no more than 5 cups!

  3 - Eat apples. A research in Washington State showed that by eating 3 apples a day you can lose up to 20 pounds in three months. The fiber in the apples reduces the cholesterol and helps your digestion. And by reducing the cholesterol it's healthy for your heart!

  These three tips are easy to include in your daily routines. They are no sacrifice like most of the diets.
To read more tips on various subjects, please be free to visit []
Edna Solem is an article writer on a wide variety. She is also the owner of [] Great gifts, hand bags, jewelry and skin care products at reasonable prices!
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Dec 3, 2013

4 Pillars of Weight Loss

  Many people think that losing weight is very difficult. The truth is, it doesn't need to be. The only thing that makes it really difficult are those people themselves. If you'll try and look at amazing stories of people who were able to lose weight in just a short amount of time, you may think that it's all sham but actually they're telling you the truth. Another reason why it becomes so difficult is that people oftentimes get lost in the middle of weight loss marketing hype. They become so impulsive in buying a certain weight loss program or weight loss supplement.

 So how do you exactly lose weight easily?
  Here are the 4 pillars on how to lose weight easily and effectively.

  1. Have the right mindset
  When it comes to losing weight, don't look at it as if it's something wherein you have to sacrifice something because sooner or later you will hate going to the gym, eating less and so on. Perceive it as something that is more exciting. Look at it in a manner like what you do whenever you're playing a game and you need to win in order go get an awesome prize at the end. If you don't have the right mindset then in the long run you might just want to give up.

  2. Do regular physical exercise
  Okay, when it comes to exercises it is important that you have to make sure that you will be able to do it regularly. Most people who are excited about losing weight spend tons of hours in the gym during the first 2 weeks and just stop doing it afterwards. If you're facing this kind of problem of procrastinating, then I suggest that you go and workout with a friend or with a fitness instructor who will keep on checking on you whenever it is time to do your workout.

  3. Eat the right kind of food
  Losing weight doesn't mean that you have to starve yourself to death. A good weight burning diet means that you should lessen the amount of food that facilitates weight gain and eat more of those essential nutrients that your body needs as you go through the entire weight loss process. As much as possible, I suggest that you consult your physician or a dietician when it comes to choosing the right kind of food that you should eat.

  4. Use the right tools to lose weight
  There are tons of weight loss programs courses and even weight loss supplements in the market right now. I totally understand if you're confused on choosing what to follow. Here's a tip. If its too good to be true, then it might probably is. Before you decide in buying a certain program, tool or weight loss supplements, make sure that you do a research about it first. As much as possible try to read through the reviews of the people who have used it.

  Johnathan Higdon is a health and wellness blogger. He is considered an expert when it comes to reviewing weight loss supplements and weight loss practices.
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