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Sep 27, 2013

Health Tips - Weight Loss Top Tips

  Losing weight and keeping it off are major concerns for an increasing number of people around the world, and the advice offered on the subject will usually be conflicting. Celebrities seem to lose weight as easily as breathing, leading to many people trying to emulate what they do. However, this is not necessarily the best way to go about weight loss, particularly if long term results are what you want. The following five tips will help you to reach and maintain your ideal weight.

  • Eat regularly throughout the day. This may seem counter-intuitive, as eating less will lead to your body using its reserves of energy, but you do still need food. Avoiding meals will affect your metabolism, slowing it down and making it more difficult for you to lose weight. If you are hungry most of the time, you will also choose less healthy options when you do eat. Small, frequent meals allow you to maintain a higher metabolic rate, burning off calories and reducing levels of fat.

  • Don't cut out any food groups. Unless there is a medical reason and you have been advised to do this by your doctor, don't cut out an entire food group from your diet. This will not be sustainable on a long term basis and, like skipping meals, will slow down your metabolism. Your body will think that you are starving, and try to reserve as much of your food intake as possible, by converting it to fat. When you do reintroduce the food group (carbs, for example), you will experience weight gain. Cut down on the offending types of food, but don't avoid them completely.

  • Eat from a smaller plate. While large dinner plates look great on your table, research has consistently shown that people eat more as a result. It is thought that this is because we feel the urge to fill the plate, rather than just taking what we require. A smaller plate looks full much sooner, so you will eat less overall, if you do this at every meal.

  • Keep a selection of healthy snacks available. Reaching for a chocolate bar can often be the downfall of many diets, as the quick burst of sugar followed by the dip in energy will leave you feeling hungry. Foods that release energy slowly throughout the day will help to prevent this. Even when you are at work, you should have snacks available; fruit and nuts are both great options.

  • Boost your intake of protein. Salads are usually the most popular choice of lunch for people on a diet, but it can lead to hunger setting in during the afternoon. Adding protein and a light salad dressing will help to satisfy your hunger more effectively, without increasing the calories too much. Grilled chicken breast is an excellent addition to a leafy green salad, or you could choose salmon instead, which also contains healthy omega 3 fatty acids, which are considered to be one of the healthy fats.

  Alex Eghoroekwuke has discovered some top tips for weight loss. To help many who are confused about weight loss and also find out how to cut down on the offending types of food. For more info visit
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Sep 26, 2013

Metabolism Myths, Weight Loss, Fat Burning and Muscle Building

  Many of you have probably heard of certain religious practices requiring a person to 'fast' for so many days, meaning the person refrains from eating any solid food for a certain period of time. Many people view this as 'starving' yourself and frown upon the idea, especially because we have been told over and over again that we need to eat many small meals throughout the day to keep our metabolism running smoothly. I'm about to shatter this myth and show you why what you think you know is far from the truth.

  System Overload
  Most of us have been told that our bodies need constant fueling in order to produce the energy we need to get us through the day. Although eating many times throughout the day may be fine for some, for most it is a problem because they are simply consuming too much, too often! When you eat a small meal, your stomach may take one to two hours to break it down and fully digest it. When you eat a larger meal however, the stomach may take up to 8 hours to digest what you've eaten! The problem is many people constantly feed their bodies more and more food to the point where the body can't possibly digest it all without sacrificing some things, such as your energy and brain functioning. Ever notice how after you eat a large meal you feel tired and sluggish? This is because all the blood flow in your body is rushed to the stomach to assist in breaking down the food you just ate. This leaves less blood, which supplies your energy and oxygen, for other parts of your body, including your brain. So, if you choose to stick with your 6-meal-per-day philosophy, at least cut down on your portion size so that you don't overload your system and sacrifice your much-needed energy.

  Metabolism Myth (One meal or Six meals?)
  Our body is a machine, an intelligent one at that. Let's compare it to a car in terms of fueling. Normally, you fill up your car with gas once, and then the gas is slowly (or quickly) depleted until you have to fill it up again. We need to begin looking at our bodies as if they were a car that needs fueling. Just as you wouldn't fill your car with gas if it had a full tank, you shouldn't fuel your body with food when you've already eaten enough to last for days, not to mention the body fat you've stored that could last for months. I realize that eating has become a compulsive habit, so it is difficult for someone to go long periods of time without food, but the point I'm trying to make here is that you don't need 3 to 6 meals a day to lose weight or be healthy. One common misconception is that we need to eat often in order to fuel our metabolism, and that not eating will send our body into starvation mode and we will in turn store fat. The truth is that when you eat a meal, your body's metabolism is then increased so that the food can be digested. Once the food is digested however, the metabolism returns to the level it was previously at. The metabolic increase is directly proportional to the energy required to digest the food. Therefore, you will burn no fat by eating more often. In fact, you are more likely to store fat because you are more likely to exceed the needs of your body. You should not attempt to increase your metabolism by eating. It doesn't work. One thing that does work is exercise. Exercise is great for burning fat because you are expending energy, not taking it in. Fasting is also great for burning fat because it forces your body into a catabolic state. Let me delve into this further...

  Catabolic vs Anabolic
  Anabolic refers to the process of building, or using smaller things (amino acids, molecules, etc) to make bigger things (muscle tissue, skin, organs, etc). Catabolic refers to the breaking down of larger things into smaller things that can be used for energy. For example, the breakdown of fatty tissue produces fatty acids and glycerol which are used by the body directly for energy. When we eat a meal, our digestive system break the food down into smaller particles that can be used to build muscle tissue, organs, blood, etc. This puts the body in an anabolic state. When all this material is used up, the body enters a catabolic state. It then begins to break down fat and stored sugars for energy. A period of fasting will cause the body to maintain this catabolic state for a longer duration in which the body can detoxify itself, break down excess fat, and repair damaged tissue and organs. Contrary to some people's beliefs, being in a catabolic state will not make you lose muscle. The body will break down the stored sugars and fats in your body long before turning to your muscle tissue! Being in a catabolic state is beneficial for many other reasons, such as hormone regulation.

  In the society we live in, where we are taught it is good to eat many small meals, most of us are in an anabolic state the majority of the time. Our bodies are then always in 'build' mode and never get the opportunity to cleanse and detoxify themselves, not to mention get rid of unsightly fat. Fasting is a great method for losing fat, cleansing your body and building muscle all at the same time! So how do you do it exactly?

  Fasting Methods
  There are many ways to fast. Some methods are extreme and difficult to stick to, while others are suitable for just about anyone. There are 2 ways of fasting that I would recommend. Decide which one is for you and try it out. They are not difficult once you adapt. The first method is a weekly fast. For one day of the week (you choose) you don't eat any solid food whatsoever. Just make sure to drink plenty of water. For example, you eat dinner Sunday night and then go to bed. You wake up Monday and don't eat anything all day. Go to sleep Monday night, wake up Tuesday morning and then break your fast, which is by they way the reason for the name 'breakfast.' This would mean you fasted for approximately 36 hours. This may be difficult for some people, but I assure you it will be easy after the first few times.
An easier method and the one I personally use is daily fasting. Every morning, I wake up and go to work without packing a lunch. That's because I don't eat breakfast or lunch. I don't eat all day until I get home at about 4 PM and I don't eat past 9 PM usually. This shortened eating window means that by the time I wake up every morning, my body is in a catabolic state. So all day while I'm at work, my body is able to repair itself and burn its fat stores for energy. Since I'm not eating, no energy is used for digestion and overall I have much more energy throughout the day than if I were to eat breakfast or lunch. Also, since my eating window is so small, I can eat much more food at once. This is very satisfying and it helps me sleep better too. I recommend daily fasting to anyone trying to become healthier, more lean, or even someone trying to build muscle and get ripped.

  Use caution when fasting and do your own research before you begin. I am not an expert. I am only relaying information that I have learned through research and experimentation. Best of luck on your journey to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

  Benefits of Fasting:
  1. Increased break down of fatty tissue
  2. Hormone regulation
  3. Increased ability of the body to detoxify itself
  4. Able to eat more food in a shorter time-frame, leaving one feeling more satisfied
  5. Increased energy
  6. Improved sleep
  7. Clear mind (No brain fog)
  8. Less time spent eating which means more time doing the things you love!
  Intermittent fasting has allowed me to lose weight, get the 6-pack I always wanted, and most importantly - it made me feel ALIVE and clear-headed, allowing me to be more productive in my day-to-day activities. It is easy and worth a try! I recommend you check out this site for the best weight loss and muscle building products:
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Sep 25, 2013

8 Most Important Tips in Losing Weight

  Losing weight is not easy for most people, since they fail to follow the required procedures rigorously. Start and stop techniques never result in weight loss. The programme should be regular and continuous for maximum results. The 8 highly selective tips provide here should help you understand how to lose weight without too much strain.

  1. Getting started is the most difficult part in any weight loss programme. You should motivate yourself on that. If necessary, you can tell your family members or friends that you are starting a weight loss regimen, so that they will remind you if you are not regularly doing it.

  2. Your goal should not be vague but quite specific. You should have a strict plan, such as, I am going to lose 15 kg, I want to achieve size 8, I want to get a six pack, I want to run 8 km every day, etc.

  3. It is ideal to start on a Sunday. You should list out the exercises that you are going to perform and the days in which you will be exercising. You should stick to that routine and execute it rigorously.

  4. One of the most important points in weight loss programmes is to drink lot of water. If you use a tall class, you will automatically tend to drink more water. You should abstain from other beverages like coffee or tea with sugar and milk, juices, soda and especially alcohol if you really want to lose weight. If you cannot avoid alcohol completely, limit it to minimum possible.

  5. Your body uses sugar as its main source of fuel. When you cut down on your intake of food items that increases your body sugar level, then your body will start using the body fat as its fuel, leading to faster fat loss and subsequent weight loss.

  6. You should analyse your diet comprehensively. You should limit and reduce eating, especially food items like cream, fried food, sauces, take away items, rice, white bread and carbohydrates. You should concentrate more on whole grains, fish, vegetables, chicken, herbs and salads.

  7. Instead of three full meals, you can opt for six smaller meals, since your body will be burning the calories continuously while digesting the food. You can eat every two or three hours, taking very limited meals. One or two fistfuls are equivalent of small meals.

  8. Exercising regularly is very difficult but you would find that you begin to like it with practice and achieve perfection in a short period.

  Weight loss programme should be regular and according to a strict plan. You will do well to have a physical training Essendon specialist monitoring you for better results.
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Sep 23, 2013

8 Crucial Tips in a Physical Training Regimen for Fat Loss

  When you plan to undertake a physical training programme, you should be clear about what you wish to achieve. If you wish to lose excess fat, then you should follow certain procedures, without attempting it in a vague fashion. The 8 important tips provided below should guide you in achieving fat loss and maintaining your body in that level continuously.

  1. When you do cardio, you obtain maximum benefits when you do it on an empty stomach. When you perform cardio on an empty stomach, you get more blood for burning the fat instead of being used for metabolising food. Further, when you get up in the morning, normally your sugar levels will be low. If you eat before doing cardio, the first portion of your exercise will go towards burning the extra sugar that you have accumulated. However, this type of fasted cardio is usually recommended only for athletes or competitors in other sports, since it can result in muscle loss along with fat loss. You can take a glass of water though before starting the cardio. Every individual planning for fitness training should do cardio but the frequency and the amount of cardio will vary with each person.

  2. The rest interval is one key variable in any fat loss or metabolic training. The rest interval should be short, about 30 seconds or lesser.

  3. You can do several back-to-back exercises for most effective fat loss regimen. You should alternate these exercises between lower body exercises and upper body workouts for maximum results.

  4. You should attempt multi-joint movements to involve more muscle fibres. This will result in better metabolic sessions.

   5. The ideal training protocol for metabolic resistance is to undertake complex exercises, whether you perform them with dumbbells, kettlebells or barbells.

  6. Since metabolic training demands less on your central nervous system, it is very easy to recover from any side effects in fat loss training. If you are highly motivated or wish to achieve faster results, you can add a few high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions in each training week. However, you should take care that you do not land up with overtraining.

  7. You can vary your training with sandbags, sledgehammers, tires, prowlers, sleds and even farmer's handles to obtain adequate metabolic effects, even while maintaining lean muscle mass.

  8. If fat loss is your main aim, you should eliminate all carbs in your diet after your workout. You should stick mainly with proteins and branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) food items.

  Cardio and other fat loss exercises should be combined with a planned diet programme. You can seek the guidance of an experienced physical training Essendon expert for a good fat loss regimen.
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Sep 22, 2013

Wellness And Fasting

  If we define wellness as the overall well-being of our whole body, it is amazing what benefits intermittent fasting can have for us. Fasting has been a component of wellness for many centuries. In Bible times Jesus said that if you had the faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed, you could move mountains and nothing would be impossible for you. He went on to say that was only possible through prayer and fasting.

  Let me first define the difference between intermittent fasting and regular fasting. In regular fasting one would abstain from all eating and only drink water for anywhere from 24 hours to as long as a month. In intermittent fasting you would abstain from eating anything from 16 to 20 hours a day.

  Intermittent fasting has proven very beneficial in normalizing body weight. It is recommended that you would eat a large breakfast consisting of whole grains, fruits, and protein. Your dinner would then consists of at least 75% plant-based foods. The less processed the better. Research shows that 10 hours after your last meal your body will be meeting 50% of its energy needs from stored fat.

  When you consider the amount of toxins and pollutants that are in our lives today intermittent fasting makes a great deal of sense. Research has shown that this type of fasting helps to eliminate about 35% of the toxins that accumulate within our bodies.

  This type of fasting when combined with moderate exercise helps you to have better mental clarity, a sense of emotional well-being, feel physically better, and enhance our spirituality. This type of fasting with the elimination, or at least greatly reducing, the amount of processed foods that we take in has been proven to be extremely effective and weight loss.

  It is important that the eating part of the day starts in the morning. This allows for your stomach to be empty while you are sleeping and allows the body to apply all its energy to cleaning and restoring your body. We often do not realize how much energy is consumed in the digestion of food.

  It seems that many of our social activities revolve around food. Many of these events seem to take place in the evening. One of the advantages of intermittent fasting is that it does not have to be done every day. 4 to 5 days a week seems to bring good results for most people.

  There are several people who find better success when they squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into a quart of water and then sip the water frequently to reduce any hunger cravings. The lemon juice seems to be an aid in the cleansing and detoxifying of the body as well. Moderate exercise such as walking is also beneficial to the cleansing and detoxification. Any individual with blood sugar issues needs to monitor and adjust the fasting as needed.

  In conclusion intermittent fasting is one of the simplest and most effective methods you have to improve your overall well-being and is a great tool for weight management. When you combine intermittent fasting was prayer you have a powerful tool against depression and stress.

  Copyright (c) 2013 Whole Life Ministry
  If you are interested in any free additional information on the subject of intermittent fasting please visit our website at and click on free lifestyle classes.
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When Losing Weight: 6 Things To Consider

  You have a weight problem, and you want to lose a little of that weight. You believe there is too much information out there on the internet, magazines, radio, television and as to what method works best when losing weight, you are a little confused.

  You are not sure how or where to begin. Or maybe you think you do not have the time. If this gives a description of you, read on to find out how you can lose weight safely and effectively without risking your health. I have some ideas in this article, and hopefully some of them will appeal to you in your weight loss program.

  Things To Consider When Losing Weight
  1. Seaweed
  Try using seaweed to help speed up your weight loss. It is believed that crunching on seaweed helps to decrease how much fat your body is able to absorb. You should include seaweed in your diet to help you lose weight.

  2. Exercise
  Exercise is also great when one wish to lose weight. Get involved in active work such as cleaning the house or doing some work in the garden. At work, you can also volunteer to run documents from one department to another.

  Do not exercise just for exercise sake. Make every workout count. Bear in mind, the quality of the workout is what counts and not the quantity.

  3. Power Walking
  Another effective way when losing weight is to power walk. Power walking is an easy way for people of all ages to work out. It is a workout of rapid walking followed by speeding up the pace when walking and vigorous swinging of the arms. You do not need to walk so fast that you are running, just walk faster than you normally do. Power walking is great when losing weight.

  4. Diet
  Make small changes to your diet for better results. Have your sandwich in a mini pita pocket instead of two slices of bread, use 2% milk as an alternative to regular for your cereal or coffee, refrain from the ice cream and have fruits in the house for dessert. These will help you cut calories without changing your life around when losing weight.

  5. Avoid Soda
  Another helpful tip to help with weight loss is to refrain from soda pop. Otherwise, if you want to gain weight, soda is your best friend. You will be really astonished at how much weight you can lose by simply switching to water. The consumption of soda will dry your body out, and this will make you gain water weight.

  6. Avoid overeating
  Avoid overeating when losing weight. In order to do that, avoid eating your snacks out of the packaging they came in. Else you will have a greater chance of eating more than a serving size. Eat in a fist sized portion. This will keep you from overeating.

  As you can see, weight loss should not be confusing as most people make it seem. You just need to know what to do and follow through. With these tips, you know everything you need to know about how to make a weight loss plan when losing weight and stick to it, no matter what. Very soon, you will be looking incredible and will start buying a smaller size of clothes.

  If you find this article helpful and you are interested in learning more about weight loss, tricks and techniques to lose weight and achieve your ideal weight, visit for a daily dose of weight loss inspiration.
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Sep 20, 2013

What Are The Best Fruits To Eat For Weight Loss?

  What are the best fruits to eat for weight loss? Well let me tell you, what are the best fruits to eat for weight loss. Fruits are an ideal food to eat when wanting to lose weight. They are low in calories, high in nutrients and easily broken down by the body. A diet rich in fruits is a sure way to boost your energy, improve your digestion, flush out toxins and boost your weight loss. Fruits are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, all essential nutrients that the body needs. And unlike processed sugars, the sugars contained in fruits are all natural so the body can use it for energy to help lose weight rather than retain it in the form of fat. So what are the best fruits to eat for weight loss, well naturally all of them. But here is just a small list of them. So let's discuss what are the best fruits to eat for weight loss.

  Apples are low in calories, high in fiber, full of antioxidants and have a high water content which helps to control body temperature. Apples are an ideal on the go low calorie snack.

  Blueberries are a great little superfood; they have the highest antioxidant levels of all other fruit. Plus they loaded chock full of fiber.

  Pomegranates are low in calories but high in antioxidants, folate and fiber as opposed to their juice counterparts.

  Avocados contain heart healthy monounsaturated fat which helps to soothe digestion and increase satiety. They also contain potassium, magnesium, fiber, vitamin K and an array of B vitamins.

  Goji Berries
  Goji berries contain 18 amino acids making it a surprising source of protein but it also helps to curb hunger, keeping you feeling fuller for longer.

  Bananas are great sources of fiber, zinc and potassium. Fiber fills you up, while zinc slowly releases energy throughout the body. Potassium helps to relieve water retention.

  Watermelons are low calorie, high water content and high in antioxidants. They also have twice as much potassium as bananas which help to removal excess fluids from the body.

  Cantaloupes are high in water content and have twice the recommended dose of vitamin C which helps to support a healthy immune system.

  Raspberries like all berries contain a high amount of fiber and antioxidants, but they are low in calories.

  Papayas contain an enzyme papain which helps to digest protein. This aids in the breakdown of food faster, which eases bloating in the digestive tract.

  Pineapples also contain an enzyme bromelain which helps to east bloating and settle the stomach.

  Pears are high in pectin a form of dietary fiber, which encourages the feeling of fullness. Pears also have a strong diuretic effect, which relieves water retention in the body.

  Lemons are known as a strong detoxifier. They help to flush out toxins and reduce water retention.

  Peaches are alkaline in nature. They help to restore balance within the digestive tract due to their laxative and diuretic properties.

  Juniper Berries
  Juniper Berries have both diuretic and detoxifying effects on the digestive tract. Helping to flush out toxins and unwanted fluids.

  Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website!
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Sep 19, 2013

Consuming Nuts for Weight Loss

  lmonds come from a tree that is native to the Middle East and South Asia. These nuts are available in stores in different forms: whole almonds, flaked almonds, almond flour, almond oil, almond milk and almond butter. Almonds are your body's source of carbohydrates, Vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, calcium, Protein, Amino acids, dietary fiber, Omega 6 & 9 and monounsaturated fat.
  They may look like a humble nut but is has tremendous health benefits
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease- because these nuts are high in monounsaturated fat which is a health promoting fat and the antioxidant Vitamin E, can help lower your cholesterol. The potassium found in Almonds is an important electrolyte that is essential in maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function.
  • Helps build strong bones and teeth- the nut contains phosphorous and calcium which help to strengthen bones and teeth.
  • Excellent for skin care- due to the rich Vitamin E content, they can be used for skin treatment. Almond oil contains a mixture of tocopherols and tocotrienols which is the true form of Vitamin E and is much more powerful than any other skin care supplement. Consuming almonds daily can help your skin look and feel younger for longer.
  • Reduce the risk of Alzheimer disease-the Vitamin E found in almonds help protect against Alzheimer's disease.
  • Aids in weight loss - the nut contains monounsaturated fatty acids, the same found in avocado and olive oil. The minerals and vitamins found in almonds activate energy production within your body and because it helps you feel more energetic, you will at the same time be more active and that can only be helpful in losing weight. Snacking on almonds throughout your day can help you feel fuller for longer thereby preventing you from over eating during meal time. Because of the high levels of protein content found in almonds it makes it good for reducing body fat. By increasing the levels of protein and healthy fats in your diet it will help diminish processed carbohydrates and therefore aid in the process of weight loss.
  How much almonds should you consume daily:
  Well you can eat as much as you want you can never have enough. But there is a minimum recommendation of at least 70 nuts per day or 1 cup per day. You don't have to chew all your almonds though; you could make almond milk and flavor it with vanilla essence. You could make almond butter and use it as a spread on your health bread.

Lets take a look at some ways to help you consume Almonds.
Almond milk: Home made
  1. Take 1 cup of almonds and soak in a dish of filtered water for 12 hours. Make sure the almonds are fully submerged into the water.
  2. Drain the all the water out of the dish. Your almonds should look blown up as it soaked in some water.
  3. Put the 1 cup of almonds into a blender with 2 cups of filtered water.
  4. Blend until smooth consistency, normally takes 3 minutes on high power.
  5. Pour the blended almonds and water into a rice cloth or strainer over another dish to collect the almond milk. Squeeze the cloth to ensure all the almond milk is drained into the dish. If you using a strainer use a table spoon to press out the blended mixture. Your almonds should be dried out almost like a powder.
  6. There you have Almond milk. You can flavor the milk by adding a teaspoon of vanilla extract and 1 teaspoon fructose if you want it sweet.
  7. The dried pulp can be used for baking or you can use it for organic compost.
Almond butter: Home made
  1. Take 1 cup of almonds and put it into a blender.
  2. Then just keep blending till the almonds become pasty.
  3. The oils from the almonds will make the blended almonds butter.
  4. There you have it almond butter spread.
  For more effective and informative natural remedies for weight loss and other health problems please visit:
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Sep 18, 2013

A Flat Tummy Is What All Of Us Want

  oo many of us have had the experience of our jeans feeling uncomfortably tight at the waistband. There's no getting away from the fact that an expanding waistline is unsightly, uncomfortable and unhealthy. To make matters worse, it's also difficult to get rid of. Hence, losing your tummy fat becomes your top priority.

   Tips for a flat tummy
  Cardio: These exercises will heat up your core temperature and improve blood circulation, both of which will aid in acquiring a flat stomach. Strive for at least 30 minutes a day, but include one to two days of rest each week.

  Interval cardio training: Try exercises such as alternating between sprinting and brisk-walking. You can try sprinting for as long as you can. When you become too tried, you should walk. When you feel that you have caught your breath, sprint again. Do these alternations for 20 minutes at a time.

  Plyometrics: Plyometrics are exercises that require abundance of power. They combine cardio with strength-training. Some great plyometric exercises you can do at home include:
  • Modified jumping jacks. Start standing, then jump up with hands and feet spread apart, creating an "X" in the air with your body, then land back in the standing position.

  • Squat-thrust push-ups. Start in push-up position, do one push-up, then push off with your feet and pull your knees up to your chest so your feet land between your hands (still on the ground in push-up position), then jump as high as you can, arms over head. Squat back down with your hands on the floor, then jump back to push-up position again.
 Abdominal exercises: Crunches work the upper abdomen, leg raises work the lower abdomen, and side bends work the obliques. About 15 to 25 repetitions each day should be sufficient. If you can do more than that, try adding weights to your routine. Doing crunches will only build muscle underneath your existing belly fat, but will not burn the fat directly.

  Diet solutions for a flat tummy
  The common sense approach is the easiest when it comes to finding diet solutions for a flat tummy. A balanced diet, that includes lean protein in the form of chicken and fat derived from nuts, seeds and fish and fibre from whole grains, fruits, vegetables and sprouts is the best way to do so. Consuming plenty of fluids and fibre is the best way to get a flat tummy, says nutritionist Rina Baliga of Gold's Gym. "Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated, prevent bloating and ensure proper digestion," she adds.

  Fitness guru Vinod Channa says that one common mistake people make when it comes to diet is eating till they are full. Instead, eat smaller portions and divide your meals into six meals a day. "This will augment your metabolic rate," he says, thus also smoldering calories faster.

  Prashant Kukreja is an adept medical content writer for HelpingDoc. The company focuses on providing patients with online appointment booking solutions with top-end doctors of variable expertise. This inherently reduces patients' time and helps doctors too. Patients can book online appointment with best dietitians on HelpingDoc.
  Article Source:

Sep 15, 2013

Cardio and Diet - What to Eat?

  A healthy diet is generally suitable for any type of training routine. However, if one decides to focus on cardio, one's meal plans have to be balanced in order to contain sufficient amounts of the basic macro-nutrients. If you are a regular jogger in the park, here is a list of foods that will give you not only explosive power but also endurance during training.
Cardio basics
  Exercises such as running, jogging or cycling require energy from various sources. To sustain long sessions of physical strain our body needs to consume carbs along with proteins and fats. Carbs are the first source that the body turns to when it needs energy. However, foods packed with healthy fats are adequate sources of energy, too.

  When we alter the workout load or routine, our body switches between different sources of energy - from carbs to fat and vise verse. As this process cannot be artificially controlled, the best way to ensure the body does not experience fatigue, is to provide sufficient amounts of both. To get quality carbs from your meals, focus on fruits, vegetables, legumes, dairy products and whole grains. For fats nutritionists suggest to consume ample amounts of olive oil, avocados, nuts, peanut butter, eggs and salmon.

  Different foods have a specific digestion time. To provide your body with the possibility to process all the nutrients it need, determine which is the best time for consumption - before or after workout.
 Before training
  The meal before a cardio session should contain mainly carbohydrates with low glycemic index and some amount of protein. Fiber, fats and protein require more time to be fully digested, so plan your meals accordingly.

  If you have 3-4 hours before exercise, try to get a decent meal. Here are a few suggestions:
- Salad with grilled chicken;
- Turkey and cheese or peanut butter with a sweet spread on bread;
- Roasted salmon with broccoli;
- Wholemeal pasta with feta cheese and roasted vegetables.

  If you have an hour or less before your workout, eat a small meal low in fat and protein.
- yogurt;
- fruits;
- a handful of almonds;
- muesli with yogurt.

  After training:
  After training it is important to refill the glycogen depots that have been drained as a result of the cardio. Proteins on the one hand are important for muscles to recover. The best choice is a meal that combines carbohydrates and lean protein in a ratio 2:1. Here are some ideas how to mix your post workout meals:
- glass of chocolate milk;
- hummus with toast;
- a protein bar;
- half a turkey sandwich.

  For more tips and information on the best weight loss practices, follow the links.
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Sep 14, 2013

How Your Emotions Affect Your Weight

  We all have good days and bad days. We also have what we consider fat days and thin days. Have you ever stopped to think that these two factors may be related? Yes your emotions and your self-esteem can play a big part in your weight loss or unfortunately your weight gain.

  When you are feeling good about yourself and happy, everything seems so much easier. You spend time with friends and family either in person or by phone and you feel more energetic. Even the house gets an extra spring clean! Somehow your family seem more important, you find time to play with your children and even manage to do an hour of craft before making dinner.Having both your mind and body active also helps the body lose weight. You are not looking for comfort food as you are too busy doing things you enjoy.

  However, on the other side, if you are feeling sad and depressed, things are not that easy. Sometimes, even getting out of bed is an effort, as all you can see ahead is hard work and no one to thank you for doing it.The children are arguing and take too long over breakfast and miss the school bus, which means an unexpected trip in the car and you are not even dressed yet! When you come back, what do you do? Yes that's right, put the kettle on and have a cup of coffee. That in itself is fine but the biscuits and cake you have with it are not. They may make you feel better at the time, which is why it is called comfort food but they will lower your self-esteem next time you look in the mirror and see the extra bulges. Not only that, because you have had a bad start to the day you feel miserable and do not feel like doing the housework which results in no incidental exercise.

  As you can see emotions do affect your weight loss journey, so to keep yourself on track, prepare for the bad days. Make sure that you can go to the fridge and snack on those bad days, by always having healthy snacks available, like cut up celery and carrot with a home-made salsa to dip in. You may eat a few more calories those days but you will not do the same damage as you do when eating cakes and biscuits.

  Think happy, be happy and your weight loss journey will be so much easier.

  This subject is close to my heart as I have been trying different diets for years. I am now well on my way to a healthy lifestyle change and am happy to share my ideas and tips. Please visit for more motivational ideas and tips.
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Sep 13, 2013

Brilliant Ideas For Weight Loss

  The process of weight loss is very simple; if you burn up more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. That is fairly simple, and anyone ought to be able to do that, if they have some discipline and can follow a plan. So, here are some good ideas that won't cost you an extra penny, unlike some of those high- priced diet plans out there on the market.

  The first step is to cut down on the portions that you eat when you eat your meals. If two eggs are the order of the day for breakfast, eat one. If for lunch, two sandwiches are your normal fare, eat one. And dinner you can cut down the portions accordingly, and start to eat less, or no meat. Substitute fish and organic chicken instead.

  Secondly, cut out all sugar and white flour. This means cakes, pies, donuts, tarts, and sticky buns. Sugar turns to alcohol before it goes through our liver, and we all know what flour and water makes. Sugar will put weight on us fast, and it is very addictive. We like sugary things for deserts and snacks in between meals.

  Eat a dish of fresh peaches or pears for dessert after dinner and eat an apple for your in between meal snack. Cut the apple into little pieces with a paring knife and put it in a dish to eat, as it is easier to eat that way. It will hold you over until the next meal, and you will be getting all of those great nutrients and anti-oxidants. You know what they say about eating an apple a day.

  Drink a lot of pure water. Water keeps us flushed out. Our bodies consist of about 70% water, and when we get depleted in that area, our cells don't function as well. Water is the medium of transportation for our bodies, as wastes, poisons, and chemicals are all flushed out of us with water. Pure water means distilled water. That is the only kind of water that our bodies can use, as the kidneys purify any fluids that we receive into distilled water. Give our kidneys a real break and give them distilled water in the first place.

  Get into some serious walking. You don't really need to job, because that is real hard on your knees and ankles. Walking will do just fine. Work up to walking for 30 minutes a day, and if that is too far at first, start out with less and build up to it. Walking is one of the best exercises that we could ever do, and it is easy. You just have to take the time to do it.

  Get a notebook and date each page as you go through it. Write down what you weigh each morning, and then keep track of what you eat, the portions, and what time you ate each meal that day. That will keep your mind occupied and it will also give you a sense of accomplishment.

  Do this for 6 months, then reevaluate. You will be surprised at how well this will work.
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